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Found a suprise in my brothers truck.


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So my brother sold his truck Saturday (finally!). We start it up and move it towards the end of the driveway. Pop the hood and see this foam shit inside the hood. Kind of like.. well, nesting for whatever (fluffy shit).


Next thing we know, this pink thing falls out. No shit, it's a baby mouse. About an inch long, if that. Still living, still breathing.. no fur, a glaze over the eyes. Well, he falls down to the ground. I kick it into the grass (whoops, sorry).


My brother starts digging around with a screw driver and all the other fluffy shit in the hood (he wasn't about to stick his hand up in there). TWO MORE pop out. We kick those to the other side of the driveway (whoops, sorry again).


I guess you can call me a home wrecker now. Because when mom and dad come home, the house they built is no longer there, and if they were to find it, it's about 4 hours north. :).


There's my story for the day.. I should take pics. I looked earlier today and the one was still there (dead obviously). I'm suprised the cats around the neighborhood didn't have a BBQ or something.

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I see your story and raise you. I was do a gig for another company that I sometimes dj for. I was driving his Durango with the trailer in tow behind. I stop at a stop light and glance over to the pass floor. Something caught my eye of the floor. I catch the black flash of fur as a mouse runs across the floor and under the passenger seat. I get to my gig and I am unloading my gear. I open the back of the Durango and there is a couple pinky's laying the in the back corner. I toss em out onto the grass. Then after the gig I get tore down and ready to go, I jump back into the drivers seat. I glance over to the passenger floor to see another pinky where I first saw the adult mouse. Off into the grass as well. If I still had a snake I would have kept em for food. I called the guy when I was back on the road and let him know he was infested.
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I was out riding my bike in the park once. A guy poked his head out of his van and said "Hey little boy, wanna see my pinky? It's in the back of the van." I don't remember much after that, but you've got to be carefull handling those, apparently they can make your anus wicked sore.
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