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Peanut butter disproves evolution


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Are these people really that stupid and ignorant? Well, you heard the definition of evolutionist theory from the side of the religous twatwaffel, now let it be explained by someone who actully knows about it.


Evolution in the form of life from non-life, only takes place with natures most basic compounds in the most random of prime conditions. When certian atoms bind making molecules that have names i cant even begin to map or pronounce, under just the right conditions, can create a single cell organism. Keep in mind that the same forms of root matter can be contaminating eachother for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions upon millions of years before that occurance ever takes place... this fuck is talking about a raped slew of pasturized complex compounds that have more shit done to them than Joan Rivers' face. 100yrs? Whats that phrase that used to be real popular back in highschool... oh yea, "Bitch please..." That has to be the lamest attempt to "disprove" evolution ive ever seen. If thats what they teach in church, they should all be tourched immediatly.


I have nothing against people wiht difference of opinion, nor religion, but i can not stand people who try to argue a subject without know both sides of the issue. Read ALL the information, then make an EDUCATED argument.


Here is the PROOF that evolution DOES EXSIST. Ever get a sun tan? Thats evolution. Your body is constantly multipling and shedding its cells. The oldest of your skin cells, the epidermis, and the newest, the dermis, are constantly reacting and changing to evolve to thier environments. The changes are evident in a matter of days... you go out and get burnt, the epidermal cells dont have that enzyme that makes that golden brown color, mellonen (sp?). But after a day or two, that burn turns to tan... well when your body detected the over exposure of UV to the epidermal layer of its cells, it began producing in creased amounts of mellonen in the dermal layers of cells. As the old cells shed off (pealing drrr), the dermal cells, now full of mellonen display that extra protection from the UV light, and make your daughters look pretty sexy in a black bikini.

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Not only what Nick posted, but if life did spontaneously occur in peanut butter (LOL), it would be in the form of a single cell organism, and it is possible (though unlikely) that it has happened in the past, or is happening now.
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This is Chewbacca, Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now, think about that. That does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an eight foot tall Wookiee,want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! What does that have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! None of this makes sense. If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests.
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I didn't watch the video (because I don't have sound on this PC), so I can't comment on it.


However, I thought it relevant to add my opinion on this: the theory of evolution by natural selection does NOT disprove the existence of "God" (or some omnipotent being of some sort), it simply disproves the theory of Creationism, or the notion that "god" created the world in seven days (or six, really, since on the seventh nothing happened). So, people can still accept a theory of evolution by natural selection AND continue to accept the notion that there may be some higher power working behind the scenes.

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I didn't watch the video (because I don't have sound on this PC), so I can't comment on it.


However, I thought it relevant to add my opinion on this: the theory of evolution by natural selection does NOT disprove the existence of "God" (or some omnipotent being of some sort), it simply disproves the theory of Creationism, or the notion that "god" created the world in seven days (or six, really, since on the seventh nothing happened). So, people can still accept a theory of evolution by natural selection AND continue to accept the notion that there may be some higher power working behind the scenes.


Can't we all... just get along? :D

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Are these people really that stupid and ignorant? Well, you heard the definition of evolutionist theory from the side of the religous twatwaffel, now let it be explained by someone who actully knows about it.


Evolution in the form of life from non-life, only takes place with natures most basic compounds in the most random of prime conditions. When certian atoms bind making molecules that have names i cant even begin to map or pronounce, under just the right conditions, can create a single cell organism. Keep in mind that the same forms of root matter can be contaminating eachother for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions upon millions of years before that occurance ever takes place... this fuck is talking about a raped slew of pasturized complex compounds that have more shit done to them than Joan Rivers' face. 100yrs? Whats that phrase that used to be real popular back in highschool... oh yea, "Bitch please..." That has to be the lamest attempt to "disprove" evolution ive ever seen. If thats what they teach in church, they should all be tourched immediatly.


I have nothing against people wiht difference of opinion, nor religion, but i can not stand people who try to argue a subject without know both sides of the issue. Read ALL the information, then make an EDUCATED argument.


Here is the PROOF that evolution DOES EXSIST. Ever get a sun tan? Thats evolution. Your body is constantly multipling and shedding its cells. The oldest of your skin cells, the epidermis, and the newest, the dermis, are constantly reacting and changing to evolve to thier environments. The changes are evident in a matter of days... you go out and get burnt, the epidermal cells dont have that enzyme that makes that golden brown color, mellonen (sp?). But after a day or two, that burn turns to tan... well when your body detected the over exposure of UV to the epidermal layer of its cells, it began producing in creased amounts of mellonen in the dermal layers of cells. As the old cells shed off (pealing drrr), the dermal cells, now full of mellonen display that extra protection from the UV light, and make your daughters look pretty sexy in a black bikini.


If you think it evolution exist.. please explain the flagellar motor.


BTW a suntan is not evolution...

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I didn't watch the video (because I don't have sound on this PC), so I can't comment on it.


However, I thought it relevant to add my opinion on this: the theory of evolution by natural selection does NOT disprove the existence of "God" (or some omnipotent being of some sort), it simply disproves the theory of Creationism, or the notion that "god" created the world in seven days (or six, really, since on the seventh nothing happened). So, people can still accept a theory of evolution by natural selection AND continue to accept the notion that there may be some higher power working behind the scenes.


I agree. Both religion and evolution have open ends, religion, if God created all, who/what created God? If the Big Bang was the initial explosion eventually turning all that space matter into what we see today, where did the matter come from? Neither theory has a difinitive begining.


BTW a suntan is not evolution...[/Quote]


"In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change, and so is all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual. The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportion of different alleles within a population (such as those determining blood types) to the successive alterations that led from the earliest protoorganism to snails, bees, giraffes, and dandelions."


Talking about a single person would be wrong yes, but im talking about the total population of dermal and epidermal cells. Each cell changes based on the environment changes from the previous cells. If you live in an environment that is high in UV, your skin will produce a mass of mellonen and never change, and that gene that is permanently turned on, can be passed on to ones off spring.

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I agree. Both religion and evolution have open ends, religion, if God created all, who/what created God? If the Big Bang was the initial explosion eventually turning all that space matter into what we see today, where did the matter come from? Neither theory has a difinitive begining.




"In the broadest sense, evolution is merely change, and so is all-pervasive; galaxies, languages, and political systems all evolve. Biological evolution ... is change in the properties of populations of organisms that transcend the lifetime of a single individual. The ontogeny of an individual is not considered evolution; individual organisms do not evolve. The changes in populations that are considered evolutionary are those that are inheritable via the genetic material from one generation to the next. Biological evolution may be slight or substantial; it embraces everything from slight changes in the proportion of different alleles within a population (such as those determining blood types) to the successive alterations that led from the earliest protoorganism to snails, bees, giraffes, and dandelions."


Talking about a single person would be wrong yes, but im talking about the total population of dermal and epidermal cells. Each cell changes based on the environment changes from the previous cells. If you live in an environment that is high in UV, your skin will produce a mass of mellonen and never change, and that gene that is permanently turned on, can be passed on to ones off spring.

So why do we still have monkeys?


And you did not explain the flagellar motor.....

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So why do we still have monkeys?


And you did not explain the flagellar motor.....


First the flagellar motor... im not sure what it is you want me to explain? Heres a page of its make up and explaination of how it works if tat helps... but i dont really know what you what your asking.


Why do we still have monkeys? Why isnt everyone as smart as Steven Hawking? Why are there still tribes that live in huts and have no power or running water? Why are there still fish that can walk on land? Why are Sharks and large reptiles still relitively unchanged after hundreds of thousands or years? Your asking an open ended question that can only be answerd by one word: Time. Every species has only two directions to move in, evolution, or extinction. Some species are just not capable of higher brain function. They have evolved to rely strictly on inate qualities or instincts to help them survive. Humans, while using instinct on occasion, creat the world around them to suit them, rather than adapting to the natural environment. Its possible that some humans may evolve into a "super human" species in the next million years, and wipe out the people who arent. Time is the uncontrolable factor that answers these questions. Perhaps a monkey will make a turn towards evolving into higher intelligent creatures in the the next thousand years, but a change in the gene line like that happens so very rarly, theres a good chance that the 80-100yrs we live, we'll never witness it.

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First the flagellar motor... im not sure what it is you want me to explain? Heres a page of its make up and explaination of how it works if tat helps... but i dont really know what you what your asking.


Why do we still have monkeys? Why isnt everyone as smart as Steven Hawking? Why are there still tribes that live in huts and have no power or running water? Why are there still fish that can walk on land? Why are Sharks and large reptiles still relitively unchanged after hundreds of thousands or years? Your asking an open ended question that can only be answerd by one word: Time. Every species has only two directions to move in, evolution, or extinction. Some species are just not capable of higher brain function. They have evolved to rely strictly on inate qualities or instincts to help them survive. Humans, while using instinct on occasion, creat the world around them to suit them, rather than adapting to the natural environment. Its possible that some humans may evolve into a "super human" species in the next million years, and wipe out the people who arent. Time is the uncontrolable factor that answers these questions. Perhaps a monkey will make a turn towards evolving into higher intelligent creatures in the the next thousand years, but a change in the gene line like that happens so very rarly, theres a good chance that the 80-100yrs we live, we'll never witness it.


Work the evolution problem backwards..... once you get to a point that the basic components cannot reduce any further and still sustain life...you have problem for evolution. The flagellar motor has only the elements that are necessary for life. Without any one component it does not function or live. So how did it evolve?


The theory is that we came from monkeys, so why do we still have monkeys?

Shouldn't they have adapted or died off ?



A couple of more questions for you....



1. Where did the space for the universe come from?

2. Where did matter come from?

3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?

4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?

5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?

6. When, where, why, and how did life come from non-living matter?

7. When, where, why, and how did life learn to reproduce itself?

8. With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce?

9. Why would any plant or animal want to reproduce more of its kind since this would only make more mouths to feed and decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individual have a drive to survive, or the species? How do you explain this?)

10. How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code) create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining English letters will never produce Chinese books.)

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So why do we still have monkeys?

I was just starting like you, then you post this. :p

It's simple, we didn't evolve from chimps, gorillas, orangutans, or any other species that is alive today. We evolved from something long dead and gone. Died right around the time we appeared, in fact. :p


You are wrong about the motor, it CAN reduce.

How do I explain the flagellar motor? The same way I explain an insect that carries two chemicals that, when combined and spit out, burn the shit out of you (so hot it smokes!) Evolution. A slow adaptation of exsisting physical features to meet new needs.

Keep in mind, evolution occurs based on generations. The shorter your life, the more generations you can pack into a given eon. By this logic, single cell organisms should be the closest to perfect beings as possible...and they are. They are more efficient in their functions, they survive everything, reproduce asexually, and as you mentioned, some have wicked bad ass motors.

Now, that motor is not in the least bit anything astonishing, it's just neat. consider the scale. If the stators were the size of a human bicep, then yeah, it would be OMFG! But they're not. They're sub-cellular. If you think of how your nervous system works, and how your muscle fibers work, the electrical work done is is actually boring. Sub Cellular "muscles" are different then ours. They work more electrically. EColli needed to move its flagella around in circles, it positioned stators to do that. the rotor shape evolved to make the motion more fluent. It's about 1/100th as complicated as your last fart. :)

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You posted at the same time as me!

The flagellar motor has only the elements that are necessary for life. Without any one component it does not function or live. So how did it evolve?

The Flagellar motor is not a life form, its an inboard motor on a bacteria. You're not spouting some one else's BS, are you? If you remove half the stators of the motor, you get a flagellum that moves back and fourth. Please find out how sub cellular components work before attacking this. Its just a normal flagella that moves 'round in circles, rather then back and fourth.


Monkeys = explained


The flagellar motor has only the elements that are necessary for life. Without any one component it does not function or live. So how did it evolve?


The theory is that we came from monkeys, so why do we still have monkeys?

Shouldn't they have adapted or died off ?



A couple of more questions for you....



1. Where did the space for the universe come from?

2. Where did matter come from?

3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?

4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?

5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?

6. When, where, why, and how did life come from non-living matter?

7. When, where, why, and how did life learn to reproduce itself?

8. With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce?

9. Why would any plant or animal want to reproduce more of its kind since this would only make more mouths to feed and decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individual have a drive to survive, or the species? How do you explain this?)

10. How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code) create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining English letters will never produce Chinese books.)

Dude, each and every one of those has a 2 page answer. Please ask one at a time, like this: :)


Where did god come from and Why?


For most of those, we only have theories, just like you. Your soap box is no bigger then anyone elses. It's made smaller by the fact that:

A: You have one answer for everything, with no answers about it's origins or purposes.

B: "Christian scientists" have a 2000 year history of being 98% wrong.

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Long after Ptolemy tried to school us on how the Earth was set up, the Church produced "the most accurate map of the world known to man!"


Note that everything is surrounded by an ocean. did you know that in the origional Genisis, the world was not only flat, and limited to the middle east and mediterranea'. It was surrounded by water all all sides, even UP! Yes indeed, god created the world in a "bubble between the oceans". Thats why the sky is blue, there's an ocean up there.

Bet you heathens didn't know that!


"How do you explain the universe?"

Well, we start by observing it, not by guessing. :p


There's nothing wrong with being faithful. I like faithful people, they're happy and pleasent to be around. But the faithful have absolutely no business in these discussions. You're bringing a spitball shooter to nuclear Armageddon, you have no hope. There are areas of scientific theory that do not yet have answers, this is where "Christian scientists" stick their head in.


To that, I counter with a quip from a smart Christian, "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence". Darwin was devout and faithful. How do we know? Because he proposed the theory of evolution without EVER questioning god.

How can he do that? He's faithful, he believed in god and that he created the world. As he saw it, he merely discovered that mans perception of gods work was way, WAY off. This happens ALOT.


christians burned the library of Alexandria, imagine if they had remained in charge of what you know, where would the world be?

Still in the dark ages.


Faithful people don't feel the need to butt their heads into discussions of creation. They are secure in they're beliefs, and have no need to stress over what we fools think. People that doubt, people that fear being proven wroth, people of weak faith, they are the ones that argue, that hate, that shoot abortion doctors and try to argue evolution. They ask for prayer in schools because they're afraid of losing the faith. These folk suck.

Now, back to scientific discussion: I'll do my best to answer the list of questions up there as I feel like it, one at a time, in fresh posts here. May of them relate. I guarantee that the answers will be too complicated to understand if you cant figure out why we still have monkeys. :)

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Work the evolution problem backwards..... once you get to a point that the basic components cannot reduce any further and still sustain life...you have problem for evolution. The flagellar motor has only the elements that are necessary for life. Without any one component it does not function or live. So how did it evolve?


The theory is that we came from monkeys, so why do we still have monkeys?

Shouldn't they have adapted or died off ?



A couple of more questions for you....



1. Where did the space for the universe come from?

2. Where did matter come from?

3. Where did the laws of the universe come from (gravity, inertia, etc.)?

4. How did matter get so perfectly organized?

5. Where did the energy come from to do all the organizing?

6. When, where, why, and how did life come from non-living matter?

7. When, where, why, and how did life learn to reproduce itself?

8. With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce?

9. Why would any plant or animal want to reproduce more of its kind since this would only make more mouths to feed and decrease the chances of survival? (Does the individual have a drive to survive, or the species? How do you explain this?)

10. How can mutations (recombining of the genetic code) create any new, improved varieties? (Recombining English letters will never produce Chinese books.)


One thing is obvious to me... in the 10years of life that youve lived longer than me, the only thing youve learned is how to be a complete moron. I am by no means an "expert", and I by no means know absolutly everything. Some of your questions, i cant answer, but that doesnt mean they CANT be answered by someone more knowledge about in the fields of biology, phyisics, and prehistory.


Questions 1-5: re-read this....


I agree. Both religion and evolution have open ends, religion, if God created all, who/what created God? If the Big Bang was the initial explosion eventually turning all that space matter into what we see today, where did the matter come from? Neither theory has a difinitive begining.


Questions 5-8 are too broad. Its completly inconcievible to think that we are the only life in the entire univers, so a timeline of when life came around, is truely unknown. your failure to recognize this makes you look even less inteligent than that lump of dog turds sitting in the grass behind my porch.


Question 9... everything has a hierarchy. Animals, are to reproduce, then survive amoungst the species. We are programed to know that we dont live forever, so rule #1 is to ensure the survival of the species, once thats taken care of, we look out for ourselves. Example: If you have kids, youd do die to ensure thier survival. Some call it love, others call it the inate will to keep our offspring alive to ensure the survival of the species. A single cell has only one goal, to divide. As it divides, it evolves. As it evolves, so do its proticals. Example, viruses, the most battle hardened organism in the history of history. Once a single cell with only invasive properties at best, has become a highly specialized weapon of death... a single protien coat with its RNA inside, its only job is to infect, and then mutiply.


Question 10... you cant take a frog, change its DNA and expect to make a human being... it doesnt work that way. Our DNA is comprised of a genetic code millions upon millions of letters long (G,A,T,C) in a unique order. Our DNA is approximately 97% identical to that of a chimp, but that remaining 3% is the difference between a chimp, and Einstein, Hawking, Newton, Franklin, Mozart, Bach, and Da Vinci.

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If the Big Bang was the initial explosion eventually turning all that space matter into what we see today, where did the matter come from?

Matter is what comprises our Brane, both active and dark, and everything in between. Over time, the G force attracts it all together, making a supermassive point in our Brane. Assuming that Gs pass between Branes, this could make a distorted point in ours that draws it into contact with another Brane. The resulting release of energy is our "big bang". Only matter in the area of the contact is charged with this energy, and it's shot out into our Brane, glowing, spinning, colliding. Eventually, the energy will burn up, and it will all collapse back into one spot, the process begins again.

There is no "the Big Bang", just "A" big bang in the cycle of big banging. (Fat bottom girls, you make the rockin world go round!)


"Its completely inconceivable to think that we are the only life in the entire universe"

Fun fact: The clock of the universe is different then ours. A million years is nothing. Lets look at the intro of life on our world, and where it fits in:

-Shit collides and accumulates into spinning molten blob

-Blob gets bigger and continues sucking up space debris. Gets hit by a big hunk of iron, gets a spinning core and a moon.

-Blob cools, commet ice (very abundant) that vaporized on impact now cools into water.

-Fossil record shows first life.


Bam, no shit, it happened that fast. Almost immediately, as soon as life "could" show up, it did show up. This would be a great bit of evidence to prove divine intervention...but oh wait, this never happened, 7 days, fer'got.

This does show us that life is very possible elsewhere.

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The theory is that we came from monkeys, so why do we still have monkeys? Shouldn't they have adapted or died off ?


Just because one animal evolves does not mean all of that species does. Say, for instance, two monkey-like creatures exist; one in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern. One may adapt while the other won't or simply adapts to something else.

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I am one of those faithful people like mentioned above. I have my beliefs and thats all I need to hear. I do like to start conversation for entertainment purposes and intelligent conversation though. There is a good conversation going from each side so keep it up!


And for that I include this .gif for fun :p:p:p



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