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Peanut butter disproves evolution


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The bible says "in the begining"... That means the begining.... Genesis 1 covers alot...


Can you give me some examples of how the KJV is flawed?


The new testament forward is all fantasy. Jesus was a guy, that's all. No magic, no deity. Just a guy who was a great philosopher.

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Yeah, but you've got a Gundam and a redhead carnival chick.


Redheads are saucy. Don't you think so, especially when the carpet matches the drapes? Death machines are just required when you work in a carnival.

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The new testament forward is all fantasy. Jesus was a guy, that's all. No magic, no deity. Just a guy who was a great philosopher.

If am am wrong then nothing happens when I die... If you are wrong a lake of fire awaits you.


I guess common sense is not part of the mensa test :D


BTW.... Revelations is the book of future events, not the whole New Testament :cool:

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I like how we got onto the subject of the bible. I have been raised since I was born into either a catholic church and later into a non-denominational church. Catholics I have talked to say you have to go to church once a week or you go to hell. Also in mass Catholics don't read out of the bible that much. Also worship was very "...boring and mundane"


I was raised in a catholic family. Unfortunately Catholicism is based on what man thinks god want us to do. ie sacraments. It also relies on human "works" for salvation. The Bible says that "no man will come to the father but by me."(Jesus Speaking) Using works to find salvation is contrary to the bible. I know I am going to step on some toes here, but many of the practices of the catholics are not biblical. For example, no graven images should be made. Any Catholic church you go to will have many images of Christ. Purgatory is another example... it is not in the bible anywhere.


Have a band in church, dance up and down the isles, sing real loud, etc.

I would find a different church.... band in a church is not right.... dancing in the isles is not a good sign either. If they speak in tounges RUN AWAY!!!!

This could be because of 2 different interpretations of the bible? I feel the bible is a bunch of stories that were wrote to explain good intentions. Think of everything in the bible. They are mostly all stories with good morals in them. Don't kill people, don't judge people different then you, respect others like you would want them to respect you. There are contradictions but I guess this is possible if more then one person is writing a book. Because of this I don't follow the bible verbatim. There are some things I feel are not correct. But overall it is a wonderful book to live your life by IMO.


Someone please explain to me why one bible verse in Genesis saying that God gave us and approved all the seed bearing fruits for our use, ( I searched for the next verse on bible.com but could not find it. Someone link me) but later in the bible it says to follow Human law as it is God's law? Is that 2nd part in the bible? If so then is it correct to say that Weed is ok in God's eyes or should we say that Weed is the devil because our government said it was?

You are correct. You are to follow human law unless it contradicts Gods law. The fruits of the earth are here for us to use, but we are to treat the body as if it was a temple. Smoking pot is not treating the body as a temple. Also the bible says that we are to be "sober", smoking pot would certainly not being "sober".


You are talking of Genesis 1:29

And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.


At this time sin had not eneterd into the world. the world was a perfect place. It was not until genesis 3: 17,18,19 that "thorns and thistle" enter into the picture....


17And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;


18Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;


19In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.


After the fall of man sin entered into the world, Due to this sin we have an imperfect world, therefor things like weeds are here.

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