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computer guys help me


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ok..how do I get rid of a virus? I have symantic antivirus, but I still have this crap on my computer. let me explain......my homepage is now asafeproject.com and I cannot change it. I have a toolbar that WILL NOT come off. I have went through the files and unistalled everything and delted what I didn't want but everything is still there. and I keep getting this "system alert" message trying to get me to download some anti spayware crap. Please help!



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start in safe mode and run Norton anti virus, if that does not work just look up the virus under Google and look from there on how to remove it. if your getting a spy ware program don't cheap out. i work at Staples Easy Tech and we have used almost every free spy ware program and ad aware program to get rid of 2 spy ware on computers and couldn't get it off. we just pulled out web roots anti-spyware software and it got them. its like $29.99 i believe so its not going to break the bank
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