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4 dollars a gallon?


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ill be buying me a motor bike if it goese that high... because if its 4.00 for 87, then its probably going to be about 4.30-4.50 for 94... Itll suck putting 20bucks in the tank... of your MOTORCYCLE!!!
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They don't make all their money from charging you more at the pump. A majority of their profit comes from the sell of crude to other companies/countries. With the price of crude being as high as it is in the market right now these companies are just raking in the profits. If you want to blame someone, blame China. The demand from their economic expansion (thanks Walmart) is causing the price of everything to go up (construction materials, fuel, lumber..etc). Ask Sam how much concrete has gone up in price in the past few years. Our love for inefficient trucks and SUV's certainly doesn't help the situation either.



Dont get me started on construction material prices...


You got a pm too.. :)

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Motorcycle mpg figures: http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/MotorcycleFuelEconomyGuide/index.htm


What's sad is that my Civic hybrid is actually beating the vast majority of them (currently 50.6mpg lifetime). Still, if prices get too noxious, the Civic FCX might see tape-out a LOT faster than anybody was planning.

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