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teh newb


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hey guys, my name is ryan. ive got a 2003 nissan sentra se-r spec-v....wow thats a long name. i know, i know, its an import, its a ricer lol but whatever i'm just trying to have fun. right now i've got intake, header, cat-back(bout to get a whole new less ricey set up), short shifter, and some eagle f1's for the rubber. its def not fast, but im looking to make it a lil quicker this summer...we'll see. hopefully i'll learn a few things here, and meet some cool people. oh and i hope titus sees this lol and i hope he remembers the yellow spec on polaris, and that then he will go to dubohio and look in the kills section cause i dont feel like typing everything out here. thanks for having me guys!
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THREAD JACK THREAD JACK!!! just screwing with you guys, im surprised a lil sentra is even getting this much attention. but idk who the white one with black rims is...but i do know that theres two white ones around town...not that you care lol
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