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Dare I say it ...


Would someone please call the WAAAAAAAAHHHHbulance.










I can see what your saying and I can understand it may not read well. Though I'm probably someone your talking about. Hell, go read my intro thread. I mess with people all the time. Its the inter-web. It happens. I made a comment earlier that was a complete goof, but in my defense, read the title of the thread. If you ask a dumbass question like that, you deserve to get some sarcasm.




My posts, if there was some joking and cynicism, were mostly in defense. I understand people are going to fuck with me cause I'm a noob on this site, and thats fine, but I sure as hell will fuck back, and if someone can't take it they shouldn't throw stones in the first place. (not saying that is you)


This sure as hell isn't the first time I've been on a forum either I'm a regular on a few Nissan specific sites and was looking for a place to meet other auto enthusiasts with other platforms than Nissan. A little variety if you will. Though this is an obvious case of monkey see, monkey do. N00bs come in, get fucked with. Then turn it around on everyone else, possibly thinking thats how to fit in with the crowd.


Personally I could give a shit less what everyone does, and if something strikes my funny bone, out it comes. Thats just how I am, and if we ever meet, thats how I am in person too.


that was too much for a n00b to be posting









seriously, though, I've got nothing against n00bs as long as they respect the rules and don't start too much shit

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that was too much for a n00b to be posting









seriously, though, I've got nothing against n00bs as long as they respect the rules and don't start too much shit


LOL. See I have been word banned.



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My reason for starting this thread was because I log on yesterday and click New Posts. There were 18 of them. 14 of those had a last post by people with under 50 posts and seemed to be goofing or posting just to post. I'm sitting there reading it like I had never been on the board before or knew where anyone was coming from. I had seen it off and on lately, but I had 10 minutes to spare, so I thought I'd see if I was the only one seeing it like that.

We do seem to have some good new people (really not that big a fan of saying noob). I've slept now and the hater aid has wore down a bit. That is all

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the one thing i really hate when n00bs do is when they were invited by a friend, they post in a random thread and just say "hey kyle/jim/craig/todd/morbo remember when we were at that one girls house and she did that one thing and it was hilarious?" which leaves the rest of the established CR community scratching their heads.



so i guess my message to n00bs would be is if you have an aside to tell your friend that you know outside of CR, make it a PM or just call the motherfucker up...don't waste posts here.


I.E. Good post:

yeah I think that's a valid point, but here's my counterpoint


bad post:

lol GHEY THREAD by the way, Tron, we're going to Lisa's tonight to have beers, if you want to bring your cat you have to let her know because I think Kyle is allergic and he is gonna be there. call me.
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the one thing i really hate when n00bs do is when they were invited by a friend, they post in a random thread and just say "hey kyle/jim/craig/todd/morbo remember when we were at that one girls house and she did that one thing and it was hilarious?" which leaves the rest of the established CR community scratching their heads.



so i guess my message to n00bs would be is if you have an aside to tell your friend that you know outside of CR, make it a PM or just call the motherfucker up...don't waste posts here.


I.E. Good post:



bad post:


Yah, that is annoying and I'm a n00b.

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I hate it when noobs barge into a thread and post some weird random picture.





I see your picture and raise you this




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