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Anywhere in Worthington


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So um yea, if you are ever in Worthington watch out our cops so awesome that they pulled over some dude on a bike...yes a bicycle and its 2 am just wanted to let everyone know thats how awesome they are round hurr....



P.S. I have been ticketed for no front plate on my car as well watch out.

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move to the speed trap?


Worthington does suck though, I won't go through there anymore. Last summer I was chased down through rush hour traffic when heading out of town by a police officer so that he could pull me over for no front plate. He literally pulled me over 50 feet from the 270 exit I was about to take!


I ended up getting away with just a written warning, but it was funny. On the bottom of the ticket where the box was checked stating "further occurances may result in a ticket", he crossed out "may" and wrote really big over it to say that I WILL get a ticket next time...nice touch.


Now, I drive the fiancee's car through Worthington if I'm going.

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Yeah omg. My girlfriend lives by 315 and 161 Worthington. I usually drop her off after midnight. No matter what time it is there is atleast 1 cop there at the school or Volvo dealer.


One night they had a huge DUI check point there.


I might put a front plate on now gees.

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Luckily at Whempys, we know the cops nearby (by the Worthington Rec Center). Sometimes they come in and check on us, make sure there is nothing bad going on, but most of the time they are cool. Every once in a while you get they dick cop that comes in and says "Whos in charge around here, whats going on?".


And I do agree with them pulling absolutely everyone over. They will pull you over if their radar gun clocks you at more than 20 mph.

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One time at Whempys we had the chiminary thing going and the comp actually asked us what we were burning in there.

And another time there after a hockey game, we went back there to get our cars. I had to piss so I drove around front to the side and went, 5 sec. later it sounded like someone was trying to take my car so I walked over to it and the Wothington cop pulled a gun on me and said if I even flinched he would shoot me. They even pulled over my buddy who left right behind me and gave us both warnings for being on private property that is my dad's... FUCK WORTHINGTON COPS!

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I got pulled over for "being suspicious" when one of them followed me around for like 10 minutes. As soon as i flipped up the rear view mirror...lights on. They seriously need to calm down. If any of them are reading this......If you pull somone over it is written that you are to tell me why im being pulled over.....if you have no reason.....i ask for your badge number.
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i was pulled over by the Worthington or UA police once(can't remember)....not that they're all that different i wanna say it was Worthington because the Segna place was near by...anyways he was following me around for 10min or so, i knew he was going to pull me over, i was just waiting for him to put his stupid little hat on, then i pulled over before he had a chance to use his lights.


comes up to the car, shines his light in the back and throughout the car before even saying anything...then claims that my rear lights are 'too dim' and asked if they have been modified in any way. i say no, this car is as it came from the dealer. he asks me to turn the car off, but leave the keys in and wants to inspect all my rear lights(brake, turn, running lights) he is saying from behind the car that these aren't stock, bla bla bla....so i ask if i should use my European foglight and switch that on....well that pissed him off for some reason. he comes back to the window and says 'ok smart guy, liscence, registration, bla bla bla'


in the end, he runs my plates and i dunno what else he was doing, i was sitting there for about 30min i almost wanted to go back and ask wtf? comes and hands me my stuff and says he thinks it's a good idea if i just go home. bastard fuck.

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wow guys thats crazy, ive never really had bad experiences with the Wo-Po as we liked to call them at Thomas Worthington High School. Im gonna knock on wood now tho, but i drove around worthington all the time for a year with no front plate and cops never so much as looked at me funny...and ive got a bright yellow sentra, its kinda hard to miss. oh and im gonna knock on wood again...oh and hi stimmel...its Love haha
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I had a female cop pull me over back in like 96-97 while I was delivering food for Cafe Courier. Reason she pulled me over : I had bird shit covering up the 3rd letter on the back of my license plate. I had a dark tinted plate cover too. She didn't say ANYTHING about that, but she did about the bird shit.


seriously.. WTF?

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  • 3 weeks later...

well i dont know where to start lol. here is the only way to get out of wo-town police. you have to live next to the really rich area of wo-town people lol. i live on the street next to the riches street in worthington and i was doing 45 in a 25 and the cop was like do you still live here? i was like yeah and he goes have a good night. lol but i will tell you i have been pulled over of all kinds of random shit lol.


this is the best wo-town story of all time lol. in middle school a group or buddies and i were walking home from dq which is less than a mile and it was fall time. we were all in t shirts and it was prolly 60 degrees outside. a cop stops us and goes isnt it a little cold out? and we were like yeah about 60. and the cop said it is a little cold of t shirts let me call your parents. keep in mind this is like 9 pm on a friday lol. i was like no we are fine we can just walk to my house. and the cop called for back up and called my parents and made them come pick us up. so there is like 8 dudes in 2 cop cars waiting for my parents to drive less than a mile to pick us up.


good times with wo-town police.

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