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Other Norwalk options; See inside....


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If they'll let me change the venue, I have the price list and have considered the following:


16-30 cars MAX

ONE lane prepped to the 330' mark

Tower and ET Shack ONLY (we take care of tech, staging lanes, water box, and tree)

You break, you pay for your mess


The total would be $1350


If we could get everyone who has paid until now to foot the extra $20, and then anyone after this point to foot $50 (up to 14 more people), we can do this. If we get 25 people total, CR will still flip the remainder of the bill.


Those of you paid already, would you like to do this? I need to know where people stand by Wednesday. Thanks.

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It takes away from the fun of head to head runs, but what ever works. I took the day off of work, so I'm in for whatever. Shit, I'm game for paying $85 a piece as long as we can run the trucks that towed the cars up :D
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Well, it's gonna kinda suck not having someone to race against. But then again, if it was originally intended to have one lane for slicks/DR's and the other for DR's/street tires, I wouldn't be winning any heads up races anyways. I'd be up for frontin the extra $20.



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