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HA, those rules are great---all true. i hate it when people tell me their pain is 10/10 and they're sleeping. my buddy used to dig his thumb into a patient's finger nail bed, and tell them thats 4/10. i've seen people get thrown in the "ER penalty box" for several hours for being a dickhead to the nurses
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HA, those rules are great---all true. i hate it when people tell me their pain is 10/10 and they're sleeping. my buddy used to dig his thumb into a patient's finger nail bed, and tell them thats 4/10. i've seen people get thrown in the "ER penalty box" for several hours for being a dickhead to the nurses


It is frustrating when we get people that come in to the office saying they have 10/10 pain. I tell them that 10/10 is when you get your leg cut off with a butter knife.


Even I my environment I will get people that act like knuckle heads. People don't want meds from me... they want work/school excuses. They come in at 5:15 pm wanting an excuse for work. I know the shift that they work ended at 3:45. They pain was so bad it took them all day to get to the office.

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thats funny maybe they dont know about photoshop

I had a kid that took one of my excuses and wrote down about 15 dates on the slip and turned it into the school. the truant officer shows up at my office wanting to know if it was real or not. The kid and his mom had to go to court for the truancy. I heard the Judge yelled at them about it.

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