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Help Me Pick A Camcorder


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I have always had good success with Sony's camcorders. For at least for my evening job, they seem to have the best nightshot. So if you are going for the Paris Hilton style home movies, I would go with a Sony.
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Guest RaGe
One thing you might want to consider. This was the prob i had. if you plan on doing any type of video uploading to the net a DVD style camera is very difficult to upload with. I myself went with a JVC Everio GZ-MG130 30 GB Hard-drive cam-corder. It has a 34x optical zoom. It also takes still pictures. just insert a SD card ( scan disc ) and tahdah. Its a really nice camcorder. And i did alot of shopping last week for one. But this is what i ended up getting. Hope this helps.
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I have a Sony mini-dv and love it. Mine I believe is the DVR-HC26 model, got it for $300. It has most of the basic features like a nice touch screen, image stability, night mode etc....Tapes are relatively cheap and so far even with the constant vibration of rinding on the car for autocross runs it's been problem free. Battery life isn't the best as they rate it for 2 hours but that's if your not actually taping or using the view screen, I just need a longer life battery.


I got the camera, carry case, tripod, pack of tapes, and extra warranty I believe for about $400 together which is great IMO. Can't go wrong with the Sony's.

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One thing you might want to consider. This was the prob i had. if you plan on doing any type of video uploading to the net a DVD style camera is very difficult to upload with. I myself went with a JVC Everio GZ-MG130 30 GB Hard-drive cam-corder. It has a 34x optical zoom. It also takes still pictures. just insert a SD card ( scan disc ) and tahdah. Its a really nice camcorder. And i did alot of shopping last week for one. But this is what i ended up getting. Hope this helps.


Thanks, that is important to me. I think I'd want something that's more easily transferable to the PC than anything... :nod:

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That's a good point about uploading. The minidv format or at least the file type the Sony uses is the .avi which is one of the most common. Though I like the idea of a camcorder with a hdd I have no problems offloading my video onto my computer.
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Guest RaGe

i can upload mine quicker than shit now. Hard-drive FTW. It even comes with a program when you buy it so it makes it even quicker. when you plug in the USB cord it brings up a little box on my camera and tells you what to do.


EDIT: here is a link to the video that i just shot with this new camera that i am talking about. You can decide wether you like it or not and maybe it will help you reach a decision.


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Guest FooFooMaru
I have a Hitachi DZ-HS300A which has 8GB hard drive and also DVD dics. Hybrid thing. It's nice. A tiny more than what you are lookin for money wise but eh. I got it for my band and such and it's amazing.
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