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Calling myself out.

Guest Mekkahfire

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What? My MR2 hasnt been running in over a year and a half, and when it was, I actually drove the speed limit. Imagine that.


Yawn at made up stories. You dont get a gift basket. Good effort though.




Ohh soo the magical 450,000HP MR2 Turbo isn't even in running shape to challenge the 3700+LB Wet Noodle Mobile.


You havn't changed a bit. You come on here after making an ass out of yourself a long time ago saying how stupid CR is, and you can run a better message board. You fail miserably at life.


You come back on here, again talking shit about other people's cars and your piece of shit isn't even running. Do everyone a favor and go back into whatever crevice you've been living in and stay there.


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Guest Mekkahfire

-1 Tard to C-BUs


Be careful, alot of U-HAULS heading that way too. Of course, with the MR2 TURBO you'll just boost right over them, as apposed to smashing firmly into the rear of them as usual.


This was the first time i've ever talked to you. This is the conversation starter you decided to make. I retailiate at your VW schoolbus and you e-cry.


Im taking that gift basket back.


You want to talk about not changing at all.. I cant believe you even REMEMBER the singluar thread where I posted that a boxtruck pulled out in front of me and totalled my car. I almost died, and you seem to think thats hillarious.


The whole purpose of this thread is so that you kids can get your little rages out at me and be done with it. You however are getting all emo with it, calm down.

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This was the first time i've ever talked to you. I retailiate at your VW schoolbus and you e-cry.


Im taking that gift basket back.


The whole purpose of this thread is so that you kids can get your little rages out at me and be done with it. You however are getting all emo with it, calm down.



Actually I've spent many a wasted post before on you, you just don't recognize the screen name and or cars.

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Guest Mekkahfire
lol who are you to call anyone an e-thug when you run a soon-to-be past tense forum because you got flamed off this one?





wash the sand out of your e-cunt and shut up


No gift basket. Try reading before hitting reply, it typically helps on the intarnets.


Your forumname pretty much helped you own yourself on this one, chief.

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a lot of dirty laundry being aired out here, anyone care to elaborate on why everyone hates this guy. it sounds like he tried to set up a forum with nearly the exact same name as this one, claimed outrageous hp on a car that never came to be, tailgated/drove like a ricer..........................am i missing anything??
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Guest Mekkahfire

1) Setup my own forum because it was a project for school, and I was sick of dealing with the select douchebags you may find in this thread. I come from forums that you never really find people talking shit and e-thugging it as hard as this one, so naturally when i came here i raged right back. That didnt get me very far.


2) 450hp on an MR2 Turbo is far from outrageous. Its actually quite moderate.


3) The tailgating story is clearly made up, and badly i might add.


Theres your airout.

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Guest Mekkahfire
CR should implement a system where I can pay to ban people, or at least have them confined to The Classroom for a certain amount of time.






cuz i've got $5 with this douchebag's name on it


I wish I knew someone sharing the same room as you while you posted this. Id ask them what your face looked like while you typed it.

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I wish I knew someone sharing the same room as you while you posted this. Id ask them what your face looked like while you typed it.



Thank God I banned you from ColDSM a year or two ago.

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Guest Mekkahfire
Thank God I banned you from ColDSM a year or two ago.


Oh noes, DSMs are sweet and I clearly wanted to visit your website.


Tell me Mike C, why are you thanking god that I was banned? (I was?). I want to know the actual thought going through your mind as to why me not being able to access your website is a good thing.


For example, what did I say in this thread that made you want to type that? Is it because im getting flamed and you're jumping on the bandwagon? Or is it because im defending myself against the ignorant random comments people chuck at me?


So im supposed to just sit and agree with whatever whomever says about my personal integrity?


I truely dont understand, this is not me being a smartass.


Oh noes, DSMs are sweet and I clearly wanted to visit your website.


This was though, sorry.

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