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Pinks, CR style at Norwalk


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So someone brought up doing a Pinks style racing for a section of racing on Friday. (Anthony I think)


I think it would be cool if we did a mock of Pinks so to speak. Get a few different camera angles, etc. Assign people to certain camera angles and such.


Get a bald guy in a wife beater shirt to be Rich, few guys to be pit crew people and some announcer guy. We'd also need some negotiations going on as well.


Oh, and we'd also need a bad ass video editor to take all the footage and put it together.


Pinks. Lose the race, lose your wife? Gotta make it somewhat interesting I guess.


Someone throw out some other ideas.

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Here you go..




One tall guy with a camera to get the "over head shot" while the negotiations are going on.


One in the negotiation group


One Behind each car


One at mid track on the left side with a nice zoom in/out feature


and one at the end off to the left


The rest we can figure out on the fly.



Note: If someone brings a ten speed I will glady ask if its fast and wipe out in the drive back area ;)

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Here you go..




Note: If someone brings a ten speed I will glady ask if its fast and wipe out in the drive back area ;)


That right there would be worth the price of admission!

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I have a camera. I will have to get another memory stick for it just to be safe. My zoom sucks, but the up close shots are beautiful. It would be great for the finish line or in the negotiation group.


2 cameras

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in for a shot at editing... need an idea for background music though...


Watch a few pinks episodes.


You'd have to do do "walk away" and whatever else they're playing.


Stuff like RIGHT when the racers launch. Go to a commercial and show the PINKS thing on the screen.


Stuff like that :).

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