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Rock on the Range


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Good post. Since I dont like crappy, money-influenced new age creepy rock, I obviously like rap. I couldn't like any of the other hundred music genres, or a combination of all of them. You probably blindly follow the bible, don't you? (SEE WHAT I DID THERE?! I USED YOUR STYLE OF LOGIC@1!1!)



Your 21 you have no logic

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Guest Ponyfreak

Making fun of music on the internet means I need to grow the fuck up? That's pretty rational.



The fact that you got on this thread just to point out that people actually pay to go to a concert like this; then correlating that to why foreigners think americans are stupid is the reason you need to grow the fuck up. Not because you made fun of music on the internet.


Keep up with your own shitty posts.


Since you don't like "creepy, money influenced new age rock" what exactly do you like?

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Everything else. You name it, I like it. Except most country and that music where some guy just yells really loud unintelligible phrases directly into the microphone.




PS: If you took the comment about music choices being the reasons why others hate americans seriously, you're way too old to use the internet.












Oops, I didn't swear enough in this post... SHIT! FUCK! POOP!

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Glad you liked that...........now run along back to school, you have some grammer homework that needs done.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Err... pewp.




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