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fucking drunk drivers!!!!


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so after a pretty sweet night on campus, i walk back to my car to go home, unlock the door and start to get in. before i can get in to my car some drunk bitch comes haulin ass around the corner all i hear is tires screeching and see headlights coming at me, i jumped across the center consol of my car tward the passenger side just as drunkass hits my car and almost takes off my driver side door..the best part is SHE DIDNT STOP!!! just kept fucking driving and hit like 3 other cars as she booked ass away from the scene. so after talking to cops i had to drive home holding my door shut. i guess they arent soposed to open far anough to touch the front wheel..go figure. good thing is noone was hurt..at least at this point. bad thing is the eclipse doesnt have full coverage and shince she ran i gotta pay for everything myself. not looking for a pitty party, just venting..

seriously just call a fucking cab.

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To me it sounds like she came from behind you, which would have been your fault for the accident anyhow. You're not technically supposed to get out of the car from the roadside door. Not something many people know.
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To me it sounds like she came from behind you, which would have been your fault for the accident anyhow. You're not technically supposed to get out of the car from the roadside door. Not something many people know.


...my car was parked at a meeter on a one way street..and yeah she fucked me from behind..lol

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To me it sounds like she came from behind you, which would have been your fault for the accident anyhow. You're not technically supposed to get out of the car from the roadside door. Not something many people know.


how the hell does your post help in this situation?


Sucks that your car was hit, worse is that the bitch ran.

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You should of said to the cop you were walking to your car and she did a hit and run before you got into the car.


Good luck getting it fixed, oh and full coverage shouldn't cost that much more a month. Its totally worth it IMO.

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To me it sounds like she came from behind you, which would have been your fault for the accident anyhow. You're not technically supposed to get out of the car from the roadside door. Not something many people know.


how the heck would this ever be his fault??


unlock the door and start to get in. before i can get in to my car some drunk bitch comes haulin ass around the corner drunkass hits my car and almost takes off my driver side door.


Good luck man. Hit and runs blow.

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Yeah seriously. That is in no way your fault.


I don't give a rats ass if you are supposed to or not. If I ever see someone getting in the driver side door, I either stop, or if open, swerve around to give them room.


Sucks to hear man. At least you are okay.

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And this is why I'm always paranoid about leaving my car parked on the streets near campus. What really worries me is some drunk ass trying to get their car out and/or pulling out of a spot right behind me. Been lucky so far, but anyways hope you get it all back together soon.
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Guest thekingofcrunk17
I've seen somthing similair to that, some drunk guy in a truck tried to fly through my friends apartments. He knocked three cars on to the sidewalk and hit like four other cars. Then he turned around with his bumper dragging and a flat and tries to drive away. It was horrible.
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To me it sounds like she came from behind you, which would have been your fault for the accident anyhow. You're not technically supposed to get out of the car from the roadside door. Not something many people know.


Go back to the peanut gallery, douchebag.




Dude, its good that you're not hurt, but how the fuck could this bitch have just rocketed off a bunch of cars without fucking up her car enough to stop it? I just don't understand how some people can be so fucking retarded.


Hope they catch the bitch and make her sign her fucking rent checks over to you to fix the car.

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Go back to the peanut gallery, douchebag.


...all I did was tell him what the law states. Grow up.


The Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Regulations state that “A person must not cause a hazard to any person or vehicle by opening a door of a vehicle, leaving a door of a vehicle open, or getting off or out of a vehicle.”


In an accident arising out of a situation such as this, the person leaving the door open would be liable if they caused the hazard through their actions.

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