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Forza 2

Dr. Apex

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Finally picked it up. I just started up with the Peugeot 207 RC. I haven't played online yet but I've noticed that the AI is much better than Forza. The thing that's pissing me off, though, is when I brake they rear-end me a lot and I still get penalized for it.
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The A.I is wierd, sometimes their passive, other times they don't move off their line for anything. The rear ending thing is just stupid, there's no reason for it. In real racing drivers can ride 2 feet behind another car without rear ending them, can't be that hard to program these cars to not rear end you from 100ft behind you.


Just remember, the A.I. car have traction control, stability, and abs all on and trying to push them almost never works and you'll lose most any battle when contact is made.

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Guest zanesvillepgt
my buddy nick is supposidly 2nd in the world on that game. I havn't saw him race but from what others are telling me he's destroying people left and right.
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my buddy nick is supposidly 2nd in the world on that game. I havn't saw him race but from what others are telling me he's destroying people left and right.


I watched a race of some top ranked people, I don't know how they can do that with these overpowered high strung cars. I had one race where I ranked near the top 100, but that's it, these kids are amazing at these games.

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forza is his life lyterally.

Yeah, like stealing is yours.

Before everyone gets too friendly with zanesvillepgt, please review this thread http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33851&highlight=zanesvillepgt It details him selling several cars that did not have the mods that he claimed. The good stuff starts at post #8. The general consensus at the time was that he was a crook and not welcome here. Good to see you back, thief.

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My son just sold all of my cars and purchased a blue GTO (like his uncle Steve's). 2 weeks, 4 cars over 1100hp, half of the game complete, and all I have to show for it now is a stock GTO LOL!!!!


BTW, my screen name is "xxExecuti0nerxx" the "o" is a zero.

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Heh, my roommate and a couple friends have beaten some of my times in some of the earlier races so I wen't back and used the fastest car allowed and wiped the floor with their times!!


The "Free Breathing" challenge has no rules about using a race car, just so long as it's n/a!!! :D

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I was in the original beta test group for xbox and they locked up my account by mistake and couldnt get it to work. Technical support was no help so I just added x's and moved on.... I was also "xxThe Onlyxx" for a while..


X's are cool :cool:

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