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Had XM before. The changes made it better but yeah, the name changes are ghey

The name changes I can deal with.

Most of the programming that I listened to on XM has changed - and not for the better.

Too much chit chat from the "Dj's" - even on the comedy channel. I think its too much like regular radio now. I'm thinking I'm gonna cancel

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The name changes I can deal with.

Most of the programming that I listened to on XM has changed - and not for the better.

Too much chit chat from the "Dj's" - even on the comedy channel. I think its too much like regular radio now. I'm thinking I'm gonna cancel

I listen to the news channels like CNN more than anything so its not as bad as the comedy channels. Alot of the chit chat is due to the merger. Hopefully it will end soon

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I've had Sirius for about two years. The changes haven't affected my listening habits. Sirius Rocks!

Same here - I've had Sirius for about 4years and it has gotten better and better. Listen to lots of news, Stern and soem music. But as I drive all over the US, it's nice to have the same stations wherever I go. Wifehas it in her car as well.

I'll be addding Sirius to my bike(the ST) over the winter. Working on a new antenna and mount system with an inventer out of Florida to make some bike specific mounts for a smaller shaped antenna. Should be cool if it works. I'm waiting on the antenna prototypes right now and should have some mounts whipped up soon.

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I had xm for years. And as said above the chit chat has gottin worse. But as long as opie and Anthony is on I'll keep it

O&A are about the only thing I listen to on a regular basis that hasn't changed.

$10.00/month for O&A for 20 minutes 5 days a week isn't worth it.

I can get them on terrestrial radio up here during that time for free.

All the other stuff I used to listen to is gone - or seriously different.

Sirius-XM Seriously SUCKS

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I'm still wondering when their stocks are going to go back up.

That's a good question.

If their refinancing gets done it may go up then. Of course, they might see a drop in revenue and subscribers since they've "merged" the programming.

On that subject it seems like the people that had Sirius before the merger don't have a problem with the changes. It also seems like most people who had XM feel like they got fucked.

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That's a good question.

If their refinancing gets done it may go up then. Of course, they might see a drop in revenue and subscribers since they've "merged" the programming.

On that subject it seems like the people that had Sirius before the merger don't have a problem with the changes. It also seems like most people who had XM feel like they got fucked.

I haven't been following XMs stocks, but I have been following Sirius and it's been going down and down. It seemed like the merger took Siruis stock worth instead of XM or even a middle ground between the two.

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I'll be addding Sirius to my bike(the ST) over the winter.

I installed Sirius radio on my bike this past summer. It kept me company while on my trip from Canada to Mexico. It was great having constant music to keep me company and not having to fish around regular radio channels to find something to listen to.

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Was listening to XM Comedy 150 (now Raw Dog) on the way home today and there was some Comedy by Request show on that must have come from the Sirius side. If it's an indication of changes to come I might cancel my XM subscriptions.

THAT is exactly what I'm talking about. TOO MUCH TALKING from the "Dj's". It seems to be like that on EVERY channel.

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