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Looking for a gun


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After talking with my uncle on numerous occasions, I have decided that I might be interested in taking up shooting as a hobby. My uncle is some coordinator for Ohioans for Consealed Carry and he has a ton of guns of all sorts. I think his passion in guns is rubbing off on me.

This isnt meant to be some "wanted to buy a gun" thread, I simply want to gather info from other board members on what kind of gun I should get since it seems like there are quite a few people on OR that have guns and know a lot about them.

If I get a gun, I want some sort of semi-auto hand gun and not something that weighs ten pounds, lol. I would want to keep the price under $150. I know with this low price range, I am limited to a quality gun, but I am looking for something that will stay accurate and work flawlessly for years. I have heard Highpoints and Cobras are peices of crap. My uncle suggested a Taurus or a Makarov as an affordable peice.

The size (ie 9mm 45, 38 etc...) doesnt matter. And hopefully a gun that doesnt have a lot of kickback or recoil. Any input from people who knows thier guns would be greatly appreciated.

What should I look for when shopping around or what gun in my price range would be a decent peice?

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I realize 150 is pretty low for a great gun, I basically just want it to shoot as a hobby at my uncle's house. I am not getting a CCW permit and dont really have any intentions of using it for defense. Just for fun really. That's why I posted this. I dont even know if I can get anything for $150. Since I am only wanting it to shoot for a hobby, and dont plan on getting hardcore into guns, I dont feel the need to have a large budget for it

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well, my suggestion is going to blow the price point out the window, but a Springfield XD .40 is a great weapon, the .40 round has a high velocity and a good knock down power (a mix between the benefits of a .45 and 9mm). Also the pistol feels great, shoots straight and when you buy is you get all of the good accessories (holster, extra mags, speed loader, etc). It will also last a very long time and the 3in barrel makes for a great CCW.

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For $150 I would recommend this....


That's a pretty sweet looking unit. How is a pellet gun like this comparable to a "real" pistol? are they still fun to shoot and have good range still? This is basically just a small BB gun right? I had a BB gun as a kid and got bored with it real quick

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You are going to limit yourself a lot with that low a budget... I think 150 is going to be pushing it for a used piece as well. What are you going to be using it for? Concealed carrry? Home defense, etc?

You can find some good deals. Someone just sold a Taurus PT111 Pro 9mm subcompact for $150 on Columbus Racing. It was my old gun. I thought about buying it back, but someone got to it before me. Deals can be found.

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If I were you I would get a nice glock. There dummy proof. Very easy to take apart and clean and just a couple of minutes. I have a glock 21 (45 cal.) with a 3 lbs trigger spring. I spent 400.00 brand new (you may be able to get a better price used). I 've won several firearms awards with stock sights.

Its very light weight and VERY comfortable. Beretta's are also a VERY nice accurate gun. Hence the reason the military (at least back in the day) made it part of the uniform.

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For $150 and just looking to shoot it for fun, Go and try and find a used .22 pistol. Ammo is cheap and it will teach you how to shoot. You wont find anything new for 150...


It'll have to be a .22 or a makarov with that budget. And honestly, a .22 is the best place to start.

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If you just want to get something to get into shooting and not for carry, buy a Savage 93.

With optics it will cost a bit more than that, but you should be able to get one for under $300 and they're as much, if not more fun than larger center fire rifles.

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Like the others said you wont find anything new or that good for $150... For just plinking i would find a .22.... like they said ammo is cheap and its very easy to handle...

If you eventually want to get something with a larger caliber. Then I would go with a SigSauer P226 in a .40 cal. Glock makes a great .40 cal too and the Springfield XD .40 makes a great choice.

If you want something a little bigger then go with .45 but make sure you can handle it. 1911's are great for shooting but might be a little heavier to carry... Para-Ordinance makes some great 1911's...They make hi-capacity 1911's and small carry option 1911's

In the end its up to you. Talk to your uncle and be safe....


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If I were you I would get a nice glock. There dummy proof. Very easy to take apart and clean and just a couple of minutes. I have a glock 21 (45 cal.) with a 3 lbs trigger spring. I spent 400.00 brand new (you may be able to get a better price used). I 've won several firearms awards with stock sights.

Its very light weight and VERY comfortable. Beretta's are also a VERY nice accurate gun. Hence the reason the military (at least back in the day) made it part of the uniform.

Well I was just at my grandpa's gunshop up in the Toledo area on Saturday looking at guns to purchase. I decided on a sig 229 dak. Waiting on paperwork to come back. Nice gun and safe. I want it for fun but also to blow the nuts off of any crazy "serial rapist" that may venture over from the west end to the east side. hehe. The gun is a bit more pricey but comes highly recommended.

And my grandpa who owns about every gun out there and my brother who was with me (he's a gunner's mate in the coast guard) told me NOT to buy a glock. Just an FYI.

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Wait? arn't you a Holy Roller? why do you need a gun? Won't God protect you? Never understood that logic.

Holy Roller? Have I EVER judged you or called you names? I think not. And your statement is just completely ignorant sir! Do I place Jesus as #1 in my life YES!!! He is and always will be the Lord and Savior of my life. He is also called Lord of Hosts more in the Bible than ANYTHING else. That is referencing our God of war. I believe it is my constitutional right as an American citizen to bear arms and protect myself. Thus I will do so at all cost!

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Did you get delayed on the instant check or something?

No but my grandpa is 85 and I told him to call when he got around to it. He really just does this stuff for friends and family now. Pretty much all he really does is reload shells and stuff. He just doesn't want to give it up. God luv him!

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Holy Roller? Have I EVER judged you or called you names? I think not. And your statement is just completely ignorant sir! Do I place Jesus as #1 in my life YES!!! He is and always will be the Lord and Savior of my life. He is also called Lord of Hosts more in the Bible than ANYTHING else. That is referencing our God of war. I believe it is my constitutional right as an American citizen to bear arms and protect myself. Thus I will do so at all cost!

Holy Christ lady learn to take a fuckin joke. You can do what you want with your life, I promise you it'll have zero effect on mine. Apparently you've got personall issues with people pointing out your a bible thumper if it pissed you off that bad. Have I ever been serious on this board? Obviously you and I don't cyber fuck like you and KawiKid do but I think I post enough that you'd come to know never serious.

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