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cleaning help....


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yeah so... my roomate calls me at like 1130 from a frat party and asks me to come pick him up... so being a good roomate i do the kid a favor right?



the dumbshit had been eating buffalo chicken dip and downing jeager,lots of wine and beer......




well i pick him up and like 2 min away from home at a traffic light he whips open the door and pukes EVERYWHERE..... but he looked at me and said.. i got it all outside...so i forget about it...


get home and inspect the damage.. all over inbetween the seat and the door jam.. like loaded.. so i spent two hours last night cleaning the bitch with random and multiple cleaning products.. and then i fabreezed the hell out of it.. i wake up this morning and it still smells..



the stians are gone but the smell lingers.. any one got a good product i can buy to demolish this smell.. or should i just say fuck it and buy new carpet?

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I'd take a shit in his book bag.


You are dealing with an acrid acidic mess. You really need to nuetralize the acid and then remove as much of the remainder as possible. I'd highly reccomend some Arm and Hammer carpet deodorizer. Then you want to steam the area, not with a steam upholstry cleaner. You want to get something like a Scunci Steamer and soak the area with steam, then use terry cloth towels to remove as much liquid as you can. Re-apply carpet deodorizer and repeat as needed.

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I should be the master at getting the puke smell out of cars, seeing as how I did it 4 times in 3 months a few years ago.


First you need to do exactly what you did. Next, you need a carpet cleaner with bacteria in it that eats smell particles. Look for a carpet cleaning powder with active enzymes. Next they sell this stuff at Meijer, I can't remember what it's called, but it is this tub of waxy stuff that absorbs smells. You buy one of those and put it under the seat. Next run some resolve through the carpet. Then run a small carpet cleaner over it, and you should be good to go

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Protein or Enzyme based cleaners work well...you can generally find these easiest at Pet stores as they're common for removing pet odor.


As Michael stated...cleaning the area is one thing...extracting the area is another very important thing...even a good shop vack can be used for this. Saturating the area and letting it dry will not remove the smells. Saturating it and extracting all of the water will help.



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