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Probably the bike.


On second thought, definitely a foot race in high heels. I'm not sure who has the advantage as they've had approximately equal "heel" time experienced through past jobs, poor lifestyle choices, whatever. :rolleyes:

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All wahhhhhh it comes with riding a bike. It's called rolling into the throttle. Yes I know my bike does not pick up the front like that. BUT I've ridden many bikes more powerful then a superhawk that I was able to safely ride from a 20 roll or 40 or 60 and it still was able to pickup the front.


That like me saying I wont dig race the monte because it might spin tires.

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If you can't go WFO in first or second gear (20/40/60mph) on a Katana or Superhawk without it coming up, you probably shouldn't be riding... :nono:

I don't have a problem doing it. I just tested my speeds



2nd gear for a 60-70ish roll.


If I don't beat him I will deafen him with the pipes.

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^^^^^ :funny:

looks like spaceghost still has his sense of humor.


thorne, i'll race the katana. you know, two slow bikes, just for fun



Thats the spirit. I'm just wanting to play now I've got it broke in and oilchange done.

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