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Child or Adult?


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You cannot imagine having to make the choice on how to handle this situation? It's been all over the news and radio. THe judge has put an order to stop any further information from getting out on the case. I would suspect this is deeper than it appears on the surface. Do I think an 8 yr old with phycological damage is capable of this, yeah, but a healthy mind, not.

My best friend was a foster parent and had a 8 yr. old boy placed in her home. He had been diagnosed w/ bipolar and ADHD. He had been severely abused, and he was a drug baby. He was capible of things a 8 yr. old shouldn't even think of doing. Suicide, death, killing, and rage thoughts came out of that child. When I knew him he was taking meds that would tranquilize a bear. He was since placed into a group home at age 13.

A healthy child with a loving parent, is not on a path to such actions. Something is missing from the story.

It's sad.


The boy has been charged in juvenile court with two counts of murder in the Nov. 5 shootings of his father, Vincent Romero, 29, and Timothy Romans, 39, a co-worker who was renting a room.

The above sentence may be an eye opener that something was going on between the two men (father & male roomate) and the young child. It shouldn't get overlooked IMO.

Edited by Mandova
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I read about this yesterday in a magazine. Sad to even fathom an 8 yr old capable of these kind of acts. I have seen some pretty wicked kids, but never like that.

They will definitely look at motive. There has to be a missing link to the chain of events here?

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I agree that two men killed by an eight year old boy seems to indicate the possibility of some kind of abuse against the boy. Still, the calculated and seemingly premeditated act of murdering the father is an unfathomable act for an eight year old. I have some doubt that the killing of the roommate was planned.

No matter what the judicial outcome may be, the truth behind what motivated this child will only be known to him. Child psychologists will give as many rational explanations as we can possibly process, but in the end two men are dead and this eight year is responsible.

At what cost to society is the potential rehabilitation of this child worth?

Is it worth another lost life? Of an adult that cares for him and upsets him? Of a another child that plays with him and makes him sad or mad?

There are no real good answers, just more to think about.

Listen to the audio of his interview here . . . http://www.azfamily.com/video/3tvextra-index.html?nvid=305445&shu=1

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Try not guilty and case dismissed. The kid's "confession" was coerced coming after an hour of interrogation and the police didn't have a child advocate present as required by law.

Yea I saw that on CNN last night.. there is NO way he would be tried as an adult and I highly doubt he will get much more than a slap on the wrist. The interrogation was BS and would NEVER hold up in court. Dont get me wrong, he probably did it... but I am sure there is more to the story.

Going home for Thanksgiving

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Yea I saw that on CNN last night.. there is NO way he would be tried as an adult and I highly doubt he will get much more than a slap on the wrist. The interrogation was BS and would NEVER hold up in court. Dont get me wrong, he probably did it... but I am sure there is more to the story.

Going home for Thanksgiving

And his testimony is probably permanently ruined. Kids that age are easily influenced by adults. No idea if the kid did or didn't do it, accident or not, but it's sad they didn't take proper care and that what really happened may never be known. Even worse would be the kid ending up not having done it but being scarred from being convinced he did.

The interrogators need to be fired.

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Where is mom? No way the police would ever get my child alone and talk to him without me. No way!

Maybe nobody notified her of the event???!!?? I feel so bad for this young kid. I don't believe he is simply another "damien" as shown in those omen movies but a young, troubled kid that desperately NEEDS to be loved. Locking the kid up will do nothing but exacerbate his pain. There has got to be some type of abuse/incest that went on here. I pray they find the root of it and get the young child some help that he needs and deserves.

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Interesting you should mention that. Where is the mother? Both men shot and killed with a .22 long rifle by an 8 year old boy? Eh' date=' it's a bit of a stretch for me. I am not saying he cannot fire the weapon accurately but being able to kill BOTH men with such a low powered and probably pretty heavy rifle for a child is grounds for further investigation. Also, what do the ballistics reports say? Is there gun powder residue linked to the child? Are his fingerprints on the casings? Also, at first states he wasn't home during the shooting. As the interrogation progresses he said he walked through the house calling for his dad. Then he 'admits' he did it. I don't know. Children have a very devoted loyalty. They aren't stupid. I think he knows who may have done this and is trying to cover for them. This is all purely speculation on my part and I could be way off base. I probably am and this child murdered his father and another man in cold blood. (i don't think so)

But, going back to Mandi's original question... Where is the mother?

Indeed. Maybe hiding out waiting for her son to take the fall for her double homicide. Maybe, maybe not.[/quote']

Yeah, The boy originally said he went in the house and started calling for his dad. He found his dad and said that he was sort of dead. The boy did say at some point that he called his mother from someone's phone. Which mother? (step-mother or bio mother was never clarified) I find myself having a tough time wondering why the child wasn't breaking down in tears of remorse if he was the killer. Guilt? Fear? Something? He sounded like he cryed a little near the end, but not very extreme. They had better be darn sure before pinning the murders on that child. It breaks my heart.

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