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Buying a car privately


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Ok, I really feel like an idoit asking this but I may be buying a car from someone privately. So what is the process of buying a car from a person, not a dealership. What do I need to do about the title transfer? I can honestly say I have not done this since I purchased my first car when I was 16, and my Dad did everything since it was going in his name. Thanks.
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are you getting a loan for the car? or paying cash. if you're just paying cash, give the guy the money and have him notorize the title. Then put your name on it and take it to the BMV and have them do the title work. They should be able to issue you a temp tag as well.
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To get it all done in one day, you need to take the notarized title to a title office (the closest one to me is the patio shops on morse) They can transfer the title to your name. The title office is where you pay the sales tax on the price thats on the title. You take the title thats in your name to the BMV and you can get the plates and registration there.

http://www.bmv.ohio.gov/county/clerk_offices.htm Look for one stop shops so you can get everything done at once. If its just a bmv you have to wait several days for the title to get processed and they charge additional to do that and you have to wait for the real plates.


FAQ's here #20 will be useful.


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Guest 614Streets
It never hurts to ask the seller if he/she will mark down the buying price on the title to aviod high taxesat the DMV . They screw us , here is one of thoose times to screw them back.
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  614Streets said:
It never hurts to ask the seller if he/she will mark down the buying price on the title to aviod high taxesat the DMV . They screw us , here is one of thoose times to screw them back.



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BOTH parties MUST be present when the title is notarized your bank will do it for free usually then you can do two things you can take the signed notarized title to the deputy regitrar and get 30day tags or you can go to the title office have the title put in you name and get permanent tags



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I've had one notary(in a bank) be a prick about notarizing the title, most aren't. The person selling the car "SHOULD" be the one getting the notarizing done. That way you give him cash, he gives you the title ready to be transferred.
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  True Blue said:
Always better to tell the seller to say it was a gift for a friend.


That's a good way to raise flags with the state tax department. Audits ftl. I was given a car for free, and got it titled today, I put down the amount I spent on fixing it as the sale price, so that if I get audited I can show where I pulled that amount out of savings. It cost me a grand total of $50, with a stated sale price of $600, not a big deal.


Dave, both parties do not have to be present for the notary, only the seller. The buyer's signature does not have to be notarized, but the seller's does in order to prove that it's legit. Just like the seller does not have to be present at the title office when you go to put it in your name, so long as everything is complete on the part of the seller.

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Thanks guys on the notary part. I am going to go buy a Jeep GC on Sunday, and of course no place is going to be open on Sunday to get it notarized. So I will just make sure the seller has it notarized before we meet and we should be good. Thanks again.
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