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Guest baseciv

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Guest baseciv
oohhhh a grammer nazi a....









Hey lookie, I used the quote feature!!! You are arguing with me and insulting me as well, hypocrite. I have no life because I am arguing with you on the internet? What are you doing then? (Think hard)

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Hey lookie, I used the quote feature!!! You are arguing with me and insulting me as well, hypocrite. I have no life because I am arguing with you on the internet? What are you doing then? (Think hard)






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Guest Removed
Rob, freudian slip you said "cum" instead of "come". You pervert.



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What does that have to do with anything fuckstick ?


He says it's a base model Civic, not claiming it's a sweet car or anything. Someone asks for a pic and then..


Oh wow what an awesome ride


It means you're arrogant. Get your head out of your ass :p

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Guest baseciv
He says it's a base model Civic, not claiming it's a sweet car or anything. Someone asks for a pic and then..




It means you're arrogant. Get your head out of your ass :p



I agree. I was actually thinking about the mentality of some members on my way home from class today, and it's pretty sad. If you think back to high school, you had the arrogant cocksuckers who would pick on the poor kids because they didn't have the nicest clothes or shoes and would make their lives hell. "Oh, you don't have Air Jordans? Your parents must be poor. Those Reeboks are shit." Things don't really change as we get older, it just ends up being more expensive items that are compared. So while some people change after high school, some people will always be worthless bitches.

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Guest baseciv
so are we talking about shoes now? If so I am fucking lost!!!



No one is talking about shoes, shoes were merely used as an example to highlight a larger problem.

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He says it's a base model Civic, not claiming it's a sweet car or anything. Someone asks for a pic and then..




It means you're arrogant. Get your head out of your ass :p



You've been on this sight long enough to know that I am NOT making fun of his car because its "an awesome ride". This guy came on here being a cocksucker, was previously banned. His last thread was created simply because he felt he needed to justify something he said 6 months prior. He literally serves no function, other than create grief for others.


I don't drive any awesome cars either. I drive big old daily drivers that would get beat by 99% of the cars on this board. I have met numerous long term friends here which I value.


I have no beef with you,..just this twat that continues to join CR with no other intention other than agitating people.



Please pull your head out of your anus and get a clue.



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Guest baseciv
You've been on this sight long enough to know that I am NOT making fun of his car because its "an awesome ride". This guy came on here being a cocksucker, was previously banned. His last thread was created simply because he felt he needed to justify something he said 6 months prior. He literally serves no function, other than create grief for others.


I don't drive any awesome cars either. I drive big old daily drivers that would get beat by 99% of the cars on this board. I have met numerous long term friends here which I value.


I have no beef with you,..just this twat that continues to join CR with no other intention other than agitating people.



Please pull your head out of your anus and get a clue.










See previous post by me, that's all I have to say. Douchebag.

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See previous post by me, that's all I have to say. Douchebag.


Care to clarify which part of that relates to me in any way ?


I was not "that kid in school". I'd guarantee I had less growing up than most. I however, worked very hard and have payed for everything I have, from my first car, to my house, and cars now. I was handed NOTHING, I have earned every inch in life and will continue to.


I don't care what you drive..just answer me a couple questions.


1. Why are you here ?

2. What do you plan to add to the forum ?

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Guest baseciv
Care to clarify which part of that relates to me in any way ?


I was not "that kid in school". I'd guarantee I had less growing up than most. I however, worked very hard and have payed for everything I have, from my first car, to my house, and cars now. I was handed NOTHING, I have earned every inch in life and will continue to.


I don't care what you drive..just answer me a couple questions.


1. Why are you here ?

2. What do you plan to add to the forum ?



So you developed your snobby attitude AFTER you put in some hard work? That's a little better, but I don't see the point of being a snob.


Here are your answers.


1. Why is anyone here? I have a variety of reasons for being here in all honesty. Parts and tools come up for sale on here, and I am always needing both. Posting on here is also a way to kill/waste time, so why not? Some of you might not appreciate my posts, but you don't see me making post after post of post of pictures of kittens with captions on them........


2. I have already added a lot to the forum. I have actually gotten quite a few congratulatory PM's regarding what I have added to the forum.



Since you got to ask me some questions, I get to ask you some.


1. What's your favorite flavor of Ice Cream?

2. Do you like for a girl to put her finger in your ass when shes blowing you?

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So you developed your snobby attitude AFTER you put in some hard work? That's a little better, but I don't see the point of being a snob.


Here are your answers.


1. Why is anyone here? I have a variety of reasons for being here in all honesty. Parts and tools come up for sale on here, and I am always needing both. Posting on here is also a way to kill/waste time, so why not? Some of you might not appreciate my posts, but you don't see me making post after post of post of pictures of kittens with captions on them........


2. I have already added a lot to the forum. I have actually gotten quite a few congratulatory PM's regarding what I have added to the forum.



Since you got to ask me some questions, I get to ask you some.


1. What's your favorite flavor of Ice Cream?

2. Do you like for a girl to put her finger in your ass when shes blowing you?




1. Moose Tracks / Turtle Tracks

2. No

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Damn it Jones, this is the kitchen. We were supposed to engage in e-fisticuffs and make this thread 10 pages longer. You ruined it with your reasoning! :p


Now lets talk shoes in here. Does anybody else ever want to trip the kids that where those shoes that turn into a skate that go flying through stores all the time? Anyone here have "Soaps" like 10 years ago? I wanna get another pair and rip up the rails at the local mall!

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