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Double Standards

Guest baseciv

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Guest baseciv

Lets see how this one goes over, shall we?


Originally posted by SpaceGhost:


"Seriously, make an effort or leave, the keyboard warrior Persona is old and has been done by many before you. I hope you don't think you are the first. I am not trying to be a dick, Just start a new thread about anything car related, I mean it is a car board. If you don't like fast cars or race cars give it up, don't waste our server space. "Off topic" would be happy to have you....... That's another message board more suitable to your kind of posting incase you need to ask the obvious question.


PS the next time you call the members here "douchebags" I'm pulling the trigger, the admins can unban you if they want. But I stand behind what I stated in my PM after your PM to me. These cool people helped me in a time I needed the most help in my life."



If you look at this in simple terms, it is your basic cause and effect reaction. Someone acts like a dick, I react. I haven't been a dick to anyone without good reason. Now you want to tell me that I have to sit here and take shit from these saints (douchebags) because they saved YOUR life? They did a good deed and that gives them license to act like assholes? I don't think so. They don't need you to protect them, they are big boys, and they also have big mouths. I have not said one thing out of line to any of them without being provoked, and now I am the bad guy?

I don't care if they saved your life or not, I won't sit here like a good little sheep and let them walk all over me. If you don't like it, ban me. I don't really give a fuck.

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your right but there are double standards this isnt a democracy (like everyone) thinks it is a dick tatorship lol hence all the do this or ban


its not all bad you just need to let some stuff go and relize that this is the internet and some call it home

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Guest baseciv
your right but there are double standards this isnt a democracy (like everyone) thinks it is a dick tatorship lol hence all the do this or ban


its not all bad you just need to let some stuff go and relize that this is the internet and some call it home



I agree about it being a DICKtatorship. I have let plenty slide, some of these jerkoffs need to learn to do the same

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Guest Removed
I agree about it being a DICKtatorship. I have let plenty slide, some of these jerkoffs need to learn to do the same


then maybe you should stop being a dick.







pot meet kettle

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
I never claimed that I wasn't being a dick. Reading > You.



well I have a college education like alot on this forum..... were here to have fun unlike idiots like you :asshole: its a car forum not a place were you come to start fights.......

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Guest baseciv
well I have a college education like alot on this forum..... were here to have fun unlike idiots like you :asshole: its a car forum not a place were you come to start fights.......


stop being an annoying little parrot and fights won't get started.

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
stop being an annoying little parrot and fights won't get started.


you started it and lots of people on here are holding back I dont care Ill tell ya what I think..... columbusracing is a place were people race not talk shit about each other...... Lets race

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