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Political correctness....


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You want to bitch about the rights of people being taken away, what about my right to listen to the radio and enjoy entertainment like Stern? The religious right helped me make that decision. I also like going out with the boys every once in a while and hitting up a gentleman's club, but again the religious right wants to make sure that I stand 10ft away (if they manage to not shut down the business) from the dancers b/c of all the drugs and crime I will bring into the community as a result.

Umm, you're correct, NOBODY on the left is Religous, not even Catholics. :rolleyes:

Truth is, it takes more than just one person's opinion to ban something. More people share an equal opposing opinion then you on banning something; somehow this is unfair?


I don't really care what label someone places themselves under. It's just unsettling to see so many people placing blame on falsified ideas. It's also a little unsettling living in a society where people can't just own up and live they're fucking life simply. Seriously, get a job, do what you enjoy and try to be happy, it's that easy. People nowadays get so worked-up by words that people use, or misleading ideas. Why do people want to depend on a government to lead their lives? Far left and right agendas are the real problem here in America. The in-between can at least live together.

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Just from your definition above... can you see how liberals and conservative have change place in the past few decades?


In my opinion, the Dems/liberals have been the ones stirring the pot. Continually, belittling and and combating the current administration is not going to help our nation.


Generalizations, often have solid basis that precedes the conclusion.



Absolutely. However, I don't consider myself either. I listen to both sides of an argument and form my own conclusion. In my opinion, not enough people do that.


Just a few paragraphs ago Scott argued that "liberals" point the finger at everyone else, and here you are doing the same thing. Every administration needs its flaws pointed out. Our government was designed with a system of checks and balances. One of the beautiful things about our country is that anyone has the freedom to speak out against our administration. You may not agree with what is said, but you don't have to. If another administration comes along and fucks things up even worse than they are now, you would be free to point out those inaccuracies in the administration; and in my opinion it is necessary to hold the administration responsible. If there are outspoken dissidents, it makes those in charge think harder about the decisions they make. This isn't done enough.

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^ You had better watch spreading your open minded view point, you are ruining this country(sarcasm).

More flabbergasted bullshit. Every self-proclaimed "open-minded" person goes around toting their ideology that they're of some epic humankind with unmatched mind-capacity. Really, shut the fuck up with it. You're no more open minded then the conservative person next to you. Just because you allow yourself to believe in what you choose, does not make the person of an opposing viewpoint any more negligent. God-damn hippies...

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Absolutely. However, I don't consider myself either. I listen to both sides of an argument and form my own conclusion. In my opinion, not enough people do that.


Just a few paragraphs ago Scott argued that "liberals" point the finger at everyone else, and here you are doing the same thing. Every administration needs its flaws pointed out. Our government was designed with a system of checks and balances. One of the beautiful things about our country is that anyone has the freedom to speak out against our administration. You may not agree with what is said, but you don't have to. If another administration comes along and fucks things up even worse than they are now, you would be free to point out those inaccuracies in the administration; and in my opinion it is necessary to hold the administration responsible. If there are outspoken dissidents, it makes those in charge think harder about the decisions they make. This isn't done enough.


Speaking out to hold an administration responsible is not a bad thing, unless you take it to the point where your action hurt the solidarity of our country. The Dems have taken this bashing and undermining to the point where the are sending people like Pelosi over seas to do the job of the secretary of state. that is unacceptable.


Keeping an open mind is not a bad thing unless you start falling for any crazy ideal that comes along. I have lived long enough to know were I stand on a variety of subjects, including my political views.

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Not too long ago, it would be called TREASON for what people are saying and doing now.


You mean when your beloved President Moron ousted a CIA agent in front of the whole world. Because thats an actual act of Treason and if anyone else had done it they would have been put to death.


I however can say whatever the fuck I want (within reason people, I KNOW I KNOW fire in a theater, yada yada yada) and thats called FREEDOM not treason. You see my critiqueing the powers that be is an exercise in freedom. Unlike your willingly bending over and taking it up he ass while the Pres. and his buddies get rich and laugh at how gullible most of our citizens actually are. Though I assume you would prefer everyone agree with you because you're you.



As you can see liberalism is filled with contradictions


Yet we have light years to go before we can get close to the rediculous gathering of contradictions that is your precious Bible.



More flabbergasted bullshit. Every self-proclaimed "open-minded" person goes around toting their ideology that they're of some epic humankind with unmatched mind-capacity. Really, shut the fuck up with it. You're no more open minded then the conservative person next to you. Just because you allow yourself to believe in what you choose, does not make the person of an opposing viewpoint any more negligent. God-damn hippies...


Vice Versa ... think about that ... really hard ...


and on a lighter unrelated note this is pretty funny ...



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More flabbergasted bullshit. Every self-proclaimed "open-minded" person goes around toting their ideology that they're of some epic humankind with unmatched mind-capacity. Really, shut the fuck up with it. You're no more open minded then the conservative person next to you. Just because you allow yourself to believe in what you choose, does not make the person of an opposing viewpoint any more negligent. God-damn hippies...



Wow you must really know me, thank's for putting me in my place. Anyways since I'm not adding anything to the thread I'm out.

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Yet we have light years to go before we can get close to the rediculous gathering of contradictions that is your precious Bible.




Is that the best you can come up with.... We are talking about political correctness and you attack the bible. You did not win last time, nor will you ever tear down the word of God. :p

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Umm, you're correct, NOBODY on the left is Religous, not even Catholics. :rolleyes:

Truth is, it takes more than just one person's opinion to ban something. More people share an equal opposing opinion then you on banning something; somehow this is unfair?


Are you serious? I consider it unfair b/c my opinion (that is shared with an alarmingly huge number of people who switched to Sirius when Stern signed on) is just as valuable as theirs. It was just as easy for them to turn off the radio and turn the other cheek. However someone has to get a sandy vagina over hearing the word lesbian on the radio. Forcing your morals on a population made up of a diverse group of people is pretty dickish imo.

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I love this thread, don't know how I missed it.


My thoughts in short.

1. Fuck liberals who just whine and never try to accomplish anything.

2. Fuck liberals who try to accomplish things.

3. Dr. Rick is my new hero.

4. Scott is my new mentor.

5. Scott, bring me my gun (which I have the right to own).

6. Fuck anyone who is going to whine about my short thoughts.

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Are you serious? I consider it unfair b/c my opinion (that is shared with an alarmingly huge number of people who switched to Sirius when Stern signed on) is just as valuable as theirs. It was just as easy for them to turn off the radio and turn the other cheek. However someone has to get a sandy vagina over hearing the word lesbian on the radio. Forcing your morals on a population made up of a diverse group of people is pretty dickish imo.

I worded my response wrong. Basically, I agree whole-heartedly. I was just offering understanding to you but it was sort of out-of-subject.


I really object to censorship and banning things in general. I actually enjoy Howard Stern and similar shows. It's also relative to abortion; I don't morally agree with it, which is why I would never support a woman aborting my child. I wouldn't interfere with others getting them, however. A subject that is particularly in my head lately, is due to all of the Michael Vick/ dog-fighting stories in the news lately. When I tell people I have a Staffordshire Terrier, I have to explain it's basically a pit bull and they get all ape shit on me, pondering why I want to own such a dangerous dog. Seriously, the media in our country sucks, people get a fraction of every story and try and make opinions out of it.

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It's all good, I honestly don't give two shits about this sort of 'debate' and this is the first time in years that I've even posted in an online thread regarding politics. Everyone has the right to their opinion, I just took offense to the idea that if you oppose the current administration that your somehow responsible for the downfall of society and unpatriotic. In the end I won't be losing any sleep over any of this.
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Is that the best you can come up with.... We are talking about political correctness and you attack the bible. You did not win last time, nor will you ever tear down the word of God. :p


I was making a joke ... though as always you awkwardly and pompously become melodramatic. Though for the record I did win last time.


It's all good, I honestly don't give two shits about this sort of 'debate' and this is the first time in years that I've even posted in an online thread regarding politics. Everyone has the right to their opinion, I just took offense to the idea that if you oppose the current administration that your somehow responsible for the downfall of society and unpatriotic. In the end I won't be losing any sleep over any of this.


Thats the problem, bitching about an administration was JUST FINE when Clinton was in office, but if its a fucking moron conservative, whose success in life is based solely off of being fed from a silver spoon his entire life, then HOW DARE YOU ATTACK HIM !!! Its unpatriotic !!!


Which oddly enough, is sort of being meta-politcally correct. Or is that meta-meta-politcally correct. Hmmmm ...

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Thats the problem, bitching about an administration was JUST FINE when Clinton was in office, but if its a fucking moron conservative, whose success in life is based solely off of being fed from a silver spoon his entire life, then HOW DARE YOU ATTACK HIM !!! Its unpatriotic !!!

There's a difference, though. I have no problem with someone arguing against an administration. I do, however, have a problem with how it's done. Simply bitching on the internet is utterly lame. In recent years, there's also been an uprising in this punk-kid bullshit thinking they're hard-asses for opposing all forms of government and shit. Whether a conservative or liberal, endless ranting and bitching is just dumb.

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There's a difference, though. I have no problem with someone arguing against an administration. I do, however, have a problem with how it's done. Simply bitching on the internet is utterly lame. In recent years, there's also been an uprising in this punk-kid bullshit thinking they're hard-asses for opposing all forms of government and shit. Whether a conservative or liberal, endless ranting and bitching is just dumb.


No offense but what are you doing ? Or the OP for that matter ? You are doing the same exact thing I am, we just have conflicting beliefs.


I do not oppose government,I embrace it. Though I don't feel your comments were directed at me. Though it has to be checked because those in power will fuck all of us in an instant without balances. Republican or Democrat or Independant. Its that simple.

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No offense but what are you doing ? Or the OP for that matter ? You are doing the same exact thing I am, we just have conflicting beliefs.


I do not oppose government,I embrace it. Though I don't feel your comments were directed at me. Though it has to be checked because those in power will fuck all of us in an instant without balances. Republican or Democrat or Independant. Its that simple.

I'm not complaining about the government, I'm just have a conversation with others who are. I would prefer debating ethics and morals over politics and government any day. It's more personal and down-to-the-point and actually can help change views/expose broader viewpoints. I feel that this is the best way to shape up America. Show why something is wrong rather than just pointing out what is wrong. I understand that it's not just liberals doing this during a Republican run, but either way, I disagree.


I do not embrace government, not this one at least. We are striving further and further away from what we built upon. I don't like the idea of big government and restrictions but I do understand that with all of the different cultures and regions in this world, our government will always be very extensive and complicated.

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I'm not complaining about the government, I'm just have a conversation with others who are. I would prefer debating ethics and morals over politics and government any day. It's more personal and down-to-the-point and actually can help change views/expose broader viewpoints. I feel that this is the best way to shape up America. Show why something is wrong rather than just pointing out what is wrong. I understand that it's not just liberals doing this during a Republican run, but either way, I disagree.


I do not embrace government, not this one at least. We are striving further and further away from what we built upon. I don't like the idea of big government and restrictions but I do understand that with all of the different cultures and regions in this world, our government will always be very extensive and complicated.


Lets talk of big government and restrictions then. What restrictions have been recently imposed on you ? I mean that sincerely, I'm not being sarcastic in the least. Also what was this country "built upon" because like anything this changes depending who you speak to.

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You mean when your beloved President Moron ousted a CIA agent in front of the whole world. Because thats an actual act of Treason and if anyone else had done it they would have been put to death.


Plame's husband, Joe Wilson, stated in a July 14, 2005 interview with Wolf Blitzer of CNN that "My wife was not a clandestine officer the day that Bob Novak blew her identity."[22]


The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.


Even if Bush personally outed her it would not be treason according to the constitution. She was not undercover at the time.

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Just a few paragraphs ago Scott argued that "liberals" point the finger at everyone else, and here you are doing the same thing. Every administration needs its flaws pointed out. Our government was designed with a system of checks and balances. One of the beautiful things about our country is that anyone has the freedom to speak out against our administration. You may not agree with what is said, but you don't have to. If another administration comes along and fucks things up even worse than they are now, you would be free to point out those inaccuracies in the administration; and in my opinion it is necessary to hold the administration responsible. If there are outspoken dissidents, it makes those in charge think harder about the decisions they make. This isn't done enough.

I do agree with your statement. I'm not so to speak pointing fingers, I'm calling them out. Everyone is all focused on what wrong President Bush, and the like have done. Why are the liberals getting away under the radar? I do agree we have a RIGHT to speak out, but there is a limit. I think that limit was surpassed LONG AGO. It's just getting down right wrong. Not to mention we want children to hear this?? That it's OK to say FUCK the US, fuck the President etc etc. It's ok to speak out, it's another to utterly dishonor your nation and speak of it like it's a 3rd world shit hole. Obviously we all know morals are long gone, no honesty or integrity really left in the politics world. But in my mind, the liberals are taking and shitting on the small threads we have left of it. Yeah I think everyone is wrong in their own way, I guess it's all up to how wrong you really are. I think after a few things are said and done, it's time for a political cleaning. If you already were, or ran for office, you can't no more. Clean slate, let the average man run, not the rich silver spoon fed ones.

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So are you saying that you cant define what a Liberal is? So much for the Mensa card.


Here is my definition: A liberal is full of hatred for past Ideas, such as family values, strong united government, and completely intolerant of the people that still believe in them. Liberals at one time were open to other ideals but they have gone the other way. As a matter of fact, one could argue that conservatives and liberals have switched place.


And its funny that conservatives like Tucker call Bush a liberal! Why is that???

As you can see that they are both extremists groups and should be ran out of our government! This is the reason our country is so fucked up!

Both sides are liberal and conservative... FACT!

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I'm not complaining about the government, I'm just have a conversation with others who are. I would prefer debating ethics and morals over politics and government any day. It's more personal and down-to-the-point and actually can help change views/expose broader viewpoints. I feel that this is the best way to shape up America. Show why something is wrong rather than just pointing out what is wrong. I understand that it's not just liberals doing this during a Republican run, but either way, I disagree.


I do not embrace government, not this one at least. We are striving further and further away from what we built upon. I don't like the idea of big government and restrictions but I do understand that with all of the different cultures and regions in this world, our government will always be very extensive and complicated.



Wow man its hard for me to say this but, I agree :D

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Liberalism has degraded Americas reputation in the world. We are not thought of as an honorable country any longer, partially due to the constant attacks and lack of repect for the leaders of our country. How can we lead the world if we cant have a civil goverment.


I think that the liberals are responsible for the stomping of rights more than any other group. If you disagree with the liberal agendas, or dont believe in the secularism they label the person with names like racist, bigot ect.


The liberals have taken away the rights of people to express freedom of religion. Our children are not allowed to pray in school anymore, we take "under God" out of the pledge. All this in an effort to please the bleeding heart liberal that might be offended. I find it sad that we take God out of the schools and government, but when a kid walks into a school and mass murders other kids, then we have a religious service at the school. When plane get crashed into two buildings and bring them down, we have services in government centers. Liberals don't kick God out when you don't have a use for him, then open you doors to him after a crisis. That is a slap in the face.


In the past there were honorable democrates, before they have fell into bed with every "causiod" group that has a membership that the dems want to please. Look at who the base of the Dems voting core is: Moveon.org, Rainbow Flag carrying people, NAMBLA, and any other bleeding heart group.


As a rule of thumb liberaism is based on nothing more than "feelings" it is not based upon common sence, or economics. For example, social programs like welfare, or affirmative action. If you have programs like these, it serves to make the liberal feel good that he/she is "saving" the people from themselves, but it only enslaves them to the goverment for life.




Children have the free will to pray before classes at lunch when ever. It that YOU CAN"T have lead prayer. What gives any person the right to tell someone what fucking religion they believe in. You and I both claim chrisitan and there are many topics we disagree on. Does that honestly mean that eather of us is right or wrong? Technically no. BUT You feel your right as I feel I am right.


I am fare from a dem because i could care less about welfare. As for one I feel if your on welfare and you have X kids you lose all access. You also should be required to piss/swab test for drugs. If your taking my fucking tax dollars thats not for you to get high on. I have nothing against smoking but Not on my dime.

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