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Encryption sofware....?


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I am looking for a software package that will let me encrypt folders that are on my PC or files. I found a really nice freeware one that allows you to create a text file of whatever size you like and it mounts it as a drive then I dump stuff to it, dismount it, and I have a text file that's 50gb. You open it and it appears as a text file and you can type in it, but you need this package to see the real content. However, it wont do folders or files. Anyone???
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I use advanced blowfish to encrypt files. I don't know off hand if it will do a whole folder. I love it though. There is a plugin with it for IRCN to encrypt your data over irc as long as you send to a person that uses the same plugin as you. Pretty secure if you are already using a jump server or a BNC.
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I installed this....Well, it places one folder on your desktop that you're to place all private stuff in. I'm sure you can move that folder where you want it....Here's the problem. I have 10 HDs in my PC with private folders on a few drives....I can't move everything to the one place that folder is...space issues. Looks like I will need to get this PGP
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Do you need to make use of the files while they are encrypted? In other words, are you looking for a filesystem-transparent tool or something that will simply encrypt and decrypt on command? There is a free tool called AXcrypt that does this for any file, and can use a key stored on a thumbdrive or something similar.
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I installed this....Well, it places one folder on your desktop that you're to place all private stuff in. I'm sure you can move that folder where you want it....Here's the problem. I have 10 HDs in my PC with private folders on a few drives....I can't move everything to the one place that folder is...space issues. Looks like I will need to get this PGP



Did you try blowfish advanced yet?

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Got it....Will try later. Thanks!


Be careful, that site 'gives away' a 30 day trial of the software. If you don't plan on buying it, make SURE your files are unencrypted before the 30th day, or you may be forced to shell out $20 to unlock the files!

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Be careful, that site 'gives away' a 30 day trial of the software. If you don't plan on buying it, make SURE your files are unencrypted before the 30th day, or you may be forced to shell out $20 to unlock the files!

Not true, as long as you download, activate and install it today it is free. I have been checking that site for about 6 months now, and have never had to purchase any software after a set date.

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