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The children of CR.


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Jordan on the left and Alex on the right. Seven and four years old, respectively :)


That was taken today at Skyline Chili. Between us, my brother, and my dad, we can eat the place out of cheese. No kidding :grin2:

Your boy does not look like you at all... :eek:

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Just I would start up a little thread here. If you have a child post up the pics.















they were preoccuppied in the pics (too busy watching Cars) to look at the camera. :)


How can you tell them apart? They look identical to me. We only have one boy the same age and he is a tornado. How do you guys keep up? One baby is $$$ but three good god the diaper and childcare bill alone would kill me. BTW multiples are evil. I have older brothers that are twins and they were super evil and plotters when I was younger.


Have you guys tryed potty training yet? My boy is warming up to the idea and now tells me when he goes. I hope the diaper days are numbered.



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How can you tell them apart? They look identical to me. We only have one boy the same age and he is a tornado. How do you guys keep up? One baby is $$$ but three good god the diaper and childcare bill alone would kill me. BTW multiples are evil. I have older brothers that are twins and they were super evil and plotters when I was younger.


Have you guys tryed potty training yet? My boy is warming up to the idea and now tells me when he goes. I hope the diaper days are numbered.




yeah triplets aren't cheap with daycare and diapers we payout a little more than a monthly house payment we have :eek:. The crazy thing is before they were born we didn't know how we were going to do it, you just find a way. as for potty training thats a little way away yet the haven't really started saying any words besides moma and dada.


oh and yes they will flaot out destroy any room in 30 seconds or less. :)

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Do they have their own language yet? (twinspeak) My older brothers still do it a little and they are 30. All mulitples have an erie connection for life too. My brothers know when something happens to the other one. Carter is a talker mamma, dadda, kittie, juice, babba(bottle/now sippy) out side (sounds more like sout side) bye bye, cookie, door (that was a new one yesterday) nanna. He is starting to learn colors now yellow and blue so far. I read to him alot and try not to talk to him like a baby. Smart kid tho always figureing out something. He likes the computer too, throws a fit if I am on it with out him on my lap.


Just wait until they learn the first curse word. My boys was SHIT. He doesn't say it very much anymore, but learned it right before Christmas...so that was fun trying to convice our families that he was saying SIT instead. My mom didn't buy it and laughed at us.

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Here is my son Caleb Micheal Born April 17th 2007


at birth


first night home


Cute Picture


another cute one


we fell asleep


first road trip


At 2 months old


2.5 months old


3 Months old


Starting X-Box a little early

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Do they have their own language yet? (twinspeak) My older brothers still do it a little and they are 30. All mulitples have an erie connection for life too. My brothers know when something happens to the other one. Carter is a talker mamma, dadda, kittie, juice, babba(bottle/now sippy) out side (sounds more like sout side) bye bye, cookie, door (that was a new one yesterday) nanna. He is starting to learn colors now yellow and blue so far. I read to him alot and try not to talk to him like a baby. Smart kid tho always figureing out something. He likes the computer too, throws a fit if I am on it with out him on my lap.


Just wait until they learn the first curse word. My boys was SHIT. He doesn't say it very much anymore, but learned it right before Christmas...so that was fun trying to convice our families that he was saying SIT instead. My mom didn't buy it and laughed at us.


no twin speak yet. But my wife is a twin as well and when she is around her sister them tend to mumble and understand easchother clearly.

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Kinda old pics.


Ryan.. Then.. probably 5? (autistic)






Chris will be 14 in a Month. Ryan is 6






Christ Shawn did you clone yourself. These boys look like they got all their genes from you and just use their mom as a vessel for birth.


Congrats to all of you, some fine hooligans you have there. cheers to tomorrows leaders today

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