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world military spending (pic)


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yes we spend too much on our military. but we are the most economically prosperous country out there and we are a very visible target to enemies. I am not talking about terrorists or anything in recent times. I am talking about the US historically.. Whether it is vs. Germany, Russia, whomever....


No war within the 20th century been fought on US soil. (Well, one time in WWII - pearl harbor.. if you would count that)


DO you think this may have to do with our expensive and most advanced military? Yes that is a big part of it. That and our geographical advantage. Just like Russia, the US would be almost impossible to be conquered because of the sheer geographical size. A country like Brittan or France would be much more susceptible to being invaded because of this.


I am willing to pay a pretty penny to keep the US the way it is. When shit goes down, I'll be glad we are paying way too much for defense.

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yes we spend too much on our military. but we are the most economically prosperous country out there and we are a very visible target to enemies. I am not talking about terrorists or anything in recent times. I am talking about the US historically.. Whether it is vs. Germany, Russia, whomever....


No war within the 20th century been fought on US soil. (Well, one time in WWII - pearl harbor.. if you would count that)


DO you think this may have to do with our expensive and most advanced military? Yes that is a big part of it. That and our geographical advantage. Just like Russia, the US would be almost impossible to be conquered because of the sheer geographical size. A country like Brittan or France would be much more susceptible to being invaded because of this.


I am willing to pay a pretty penny to keep the US the way it is. When shit goes down, I'll be glad we are paying way too much for defense.

Good man thank you. No I'm not blindly going with everything. Day in and day out we went up and down the most dangerous of roads, Highway 1 and another route which I will keep anonymous because you don't need to know. The route I left out is probably by far and maybe still is about the number 1 or 2 on the list of most dangerous routes in all of Iraq. So yeah, going up day in and day out made me think, but I honestly sucked it up and did my job. We had a GREAT plan going in in OIF 1 in which I was apart of. We kicked ass and took names. Granted the plan for the downfall of the Iraqi regime was for a better part, not planned out so far. We aren't just fighting Iraqi farmers with a few rifles and grenades. I have been toe to toe with pure 100% Al-Qaeda operatives from foreign lands. They're over there in masses attacking us. So go ahead and think that we ain't protecting your freedoms, because if we weren't over there being targets, guess who would be next? America and the great people of this country. I'd rather be getting blown up and shot at, than have innocent people blown up or killed. Atleast we have more than enough assests to bring upon them to counter their activities. So yeah, we are doing our part. It costs money, but is worth it never the less. If we didn't do this now, we would've had to later. I sure as hell don't want my future children to have to do what I did. I wasn't paied to think, or question. I was paied to act swiftly, proficiently, and down right brutal and deadly. I did that and above, but I need not get into that. I take your opinions and comments very personally. Some people need informed on reality, not what they read and watch. If you were there in person, you would have a different view point on this. And by the way, we're all 100% voluntary force, so nobody put a gun to anyone's head who enlisted and swore in. So I'll drink the punch alright, it's been spiked with freedom liquor and dead Al-Qaeada/Republican Guard blood. And it hits the damn spot. So stop being salty and quit crying. If you don't like it again, vote, run for political office, or just move. It's a free country. And again you can say what you want to and I respect that, I just feel sorry for your wrong mis-lead opinions.

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#1, I work with these numbers every day, I can see every dime that is spent when the Ad Hoc's come out.

#2, everything i have posted you can find on the web, Congress publishes the Appropriations every year when they are signed into law. I have not given any information that you cannot find on a DoD or White House web page


If your only cites are coming from the internet, then I seriously think that you should be a tad more open minded to others critiquing you on your "facts". The government providing and accurate spread sheet of all debits and credits for their accounting (no matter if it is different or not) is going to be about as rare as a waiter being honest on his taxes about his income!

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The government providing and accurate spread sheet of all debits and credits for their accounting (no matter if it is different or not) is going to be about as rare as a waiter being honest on his taxes about his income!

:lol: You're so true. SOCOM's spending is rarely actually "accounted" for and there's a reason. Lot's of things are on a need to know basis. :thumbup:

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We sold the apartment complex about 1 1/2 years ago...


I work for the DoD and I do internal controls and testing

What are you credentials to say what I am saying is wrong?


And I haven't really been arguing anything to do with the DoD spending, I have been explaining it. Gov't accounting is a lot different than how the rest of the country does accounting




who am i to say what your doing is wrong hmmm im the poor sob that pays your bills with my taxes and for all intensive purposes you wrok for me and every person who pays taxes ive never said you were wrong just misguided

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