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Cr Soccer Team Tryout!!!


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Bottom line is, you dont have to be able to fake anyone out of thier shoes in indoor. You use the walls, bounce a ball off a players leg into the side net to get a direct kick, and use oddball stratagies that other coaches dont know how to defend against. Thats how you win.



If this is how you plan on playing, then I am definetly out. I dont know the last time in indoor I used the wall to pass it to someone. I think you are goin at this the wrong way. Yes it is nice to have some speed, but a team full of guys with great touch, bal skills and able to anticipate the ball will win everytime over a group of just fast people. I am willing to bet the fast team wouldnt prolly even touch the ball that much.

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If this is how you plan on playing, then I am definetly out. I dont know the last time in indoor I used the wall to pass it to someone. I think you are goin at this the wrong way. Yes it is nice to have some speed, but a team full of guys with great touch, bal skills and able to anticipate the ball will win everytime over a group of just fast people. I am willing to bet the fast team wouldnt prolly even touch the ball that much.


Did you play as a striker, winger, or full back? As a full back, thats how you can play the position effectivly alone, and sacrifice the the other defenceman as a third offensive player.


You have to keep in mind, the field isnt very big, theres not a whole lot of room to try to fake someone out then out run them before youre in front of another person. Why waste youre energy? Play hard on defence, and smart on offence.


Oh well, im sure most people think a 4-2-2 line up is the best for out door too :rolleyes:

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I withdraw any interest in playing with this team.


I was a full back. My job was simple.. on defence, force a mistake, and put the ball 6 feet in front of the winger tearing ass down the wall. On offence, my job was to dump it in, recover rebounds, and take direct kicks. Im no Pele, never was, best trick i ever had in my bag was a siccors, but i was highly conditioned, had a cannon for a right leg, and could put the ball anywhere, including in the net from a corner kick.


I was a striker/stopper back in high school. I was also 8th in the state in the 800 meters, and qualified for the state championships in the 1600 meter relay.

At BGSU I played midfield and mostly rode the pine because I did not know the game as well as my fellow team members. This is why I became a student of the game. Fast forwards 20 years.....



Bottom line is, you dont have to be able to fake anyone out of thier shoes in indoor. You use the walls, bounce a ball off a players leg into the side net to get a direct kick, and use oddball stratagies that other coaches dont know how to defend against. Thats how you win.


I play at a slower, more controlled speed than I used to. Playing defense, I direct the oncoming striker towards the walls, cutting off the shooting angles, allowing my teammates to get back into proper position, while using peripheral vision to keep watch of others making runs into the passing lanes. Only when I am in control all of this, will I pressure for a steal.


On offense, I will dribble the ball to draw two defenders and the use the space created to pass the ball to incoming teammates, being sure that I am in position for either a rebound, loose ball, or to get back to cover the position vacated by the run.


FYI: Winter 2000 and 2001 I was starting defense for Columbus College of Art and Design's open men's league team at SportsOhio.(No I was not a student) I was 18 years older than the oldest guy on the team.

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How about in indoor speed is not as important. But if it is the consenus that you can be slow and play soccer and just have a good touch, you couldnt be more wrong. You have to get to the ball before the other player do you not?
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Did you play as a striker, winger, or full back? As a full back, thats how you can play the position effectivly alone, and sacrifice the the other defenceman as a third offensive player.


You have to keep in mind, the field isnt very big, theres not a whole lot of room to try to fake someone out then out run them before youre in front of another person. Why waste youre energy? Play hard on defence, and smart on offence.


Oh well, im sure most people think a 4-2-2 line up is the best for out door too :rolleyes:



I play everywhere. I played center mid field all through high school, controlled everything. Now I play forward and sweeper on outdoor. Indoor I still play midfield. A good team that has good control does not need the walls nor fast players cause they will always have the ball and will know where to move after and before a pass. The walls in indoor are not for you to kick off the wall to pass it to someone. They are there to keep the ball and game in play because of the field size. Try playing on a indoor field with no walls cause now that is the new thing. THe field is the same size but there are no walls. Thats what I prefer. I with Mike on this one, the game needs to be a controlled game, not force the shit out of everything, goals will come with ease in a controlled game, not everyone running around cause they are fast and in shape.

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No offense to anyone, but this seems to be getting a touch out of hand. Find a way to figure out the team, if people really want to play they'll make sure they can be committed. A scrimmage with the players is an awesome idea. Weed out the people that wont contribute and go from there. We just need to get a team together.
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Not that I know a damn thing about soccer... but with any sport the team that can still run hard at the end of the game has a huge advantage. There are many people that use that strategy. "Run hard until they cant run with you anymore!" Both strategies are good ones.


The strategy used should be based on what type of team is put together. Not to mention you can actually do both. There is nothing that says you only have to play one certain way. Switch it up halfway through the game and catch the other team off gaurd.

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Im not doing it. If someone else wants to, fine. I dont want to thrash everyone elses back grounds in the game, or try to convince someone that my way is better... because in the end all good stratagies work if the exacution is proper. I guess of all the ones of used, im just stuck on using what i know has worked for me in the past. No use trying to get grown ass men to adopt it.


If you want to scrimmage, theres a field thats open to the public very close to my store, but im sure noone would want to drive that far. Id be open to that, but i still dont want to coach. And i dont think the league will allow a team w/o one.

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