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CR soccer team tryout - PART 2


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Ok, so ive given it some thought. Id still be interested in coaching a team. And theres obviously a lot of interest in putting one together. I obviously wanted to do things a certian way to start off, and noone really agreed, which is fine. So heres my solution.... lets COLLECTIVELY decide on how a tryout should go. What drills you want to run, how to score it, and exactly how many people to have on the team. Because at the end of the day, youre going to win together, or lose together, and ultimatly youre choosing who you want to play with. Im open to suggestion and agree that while conditioning is a BIG part of the game I was taught (also helped USA beat USSR in the '80 olympics ;) ), there are other things that need to be judged.


So copy and paste to this bottom section here, what you would like to add, so that we can at least come to some sort of agreement on what people need to be capable of to have a chance at winning. Also, other than just taking shots on goal, i dont now of ANY of the drills for keepers... i only did that one game for about 10min while our starter wrapped his ankel.


When thinking about the number of total players, keep ing mind that the price per player changes... the cost is of the team as a whole, $795. I say we put together a team now, and wait for the winter league so we have a little time to practice together, get to know eachothers names if we dont already, and develope some sort of knowledge on how everyone plays, so come game time, noone is surprised.




1. 40M dash

2. 200M suicide

3. 20M 4 corners (ball control)

4. 50M slalom (ball control)

5. 2 on 1 offensive (teamwork)

6. 4 on 4 Scrimage (teamwork)

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I say line up everyone that wants to play goalie. Stand 5 feet from them and test their reaction skills. The one with the best reflexes is the goalie. Since most indoor sport scores come from close range, I would assume this is no different.
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