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wife jokes

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Wife: 'What are you doing?'

Husband : Nothing

Wife : 'Nothing...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.'

Husband : 'I was looking for the expiration date.'




Wife : 'Do you want dinner?'

Husband : 'Sure! What are my choices?'

Wife : 'Yes and no.'




Wife: 'You always carry my photo in your wallet. Why?'

Hubby: 'When there is a problem, n o matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.'Wife: 'You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you?'

Hubby: 'Yes! I see your picture and ask myself what other problem can there be greater than this one?'




Stress Reliever Girl: 'When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.'

Boy: 'I t's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or troubles.'

Girl: 'Well that's because we aren't married yet.'




Son: 'Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my seat to a lady.'

Mom: 'Well, you have done the right thing.'

Son: 'But mom, I was sitting on daddy's lap.'



A newly married man asked his wife, 'Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune?'

'Honey,' the woman replied sweetly, 'I'd have married you, NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU A FORTUNE!'




Father to son after exam: 'Let me see your report card.'

Son: 'My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents.'




Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever

The guy replies: 'Thanks for the early warning.'





A wife asked her husband: 'What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy body?'

He looked at her from head to toe and replied: 'I like your sense of humour

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