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I love how you guys are prosecuting this kid like he did an actual criminal act...You stopped at 17,16 etc....good for you...want a cookie??


we all know about illegal street racing and alot worse shit then a trash can toss...so fuck off...congrats your better than him cuz you dont have dumb friends.....Everyone has those friends that are idiots and like to show it....and if you dont you should cuz they are entertaining...

Good luck in court hope it works out for you in the end...


I like this response.

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Well i just got my letter in the mail for my attorney. Hopefully they either drop the charge to something stupid such as littering or throw it out all together. I have no problem paying a stupid ass fine, but its probation and jail time that get me. If we would have hit a vehichle or someone then thats a different story, but just letting it go into another trash can, cmon. Oh yeah the bags in the trash can didnt even rip til ol' boy smacked the car i was in with one. Haha people are such hypocrits these days...everyone breaks a law...but if you could get out of it and have a legitimant excuse im sure youd use it. Ill let you know how court goes tommorow afternoon
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seriously I hate threads like this. not because someone is honestly looking for advise on something stupid that happen to them, like the golf club story for example, or look at what happen to Sam. I hate these threads because everyone acts like they are so perfect.


We all do stupid shit, some get caught and some dont. Regardless of age any of us could be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Small Town law is a bitch though.


Good luck bro.

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what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul
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Lets sum it up...


Is he stupid for following someone that is acting stupid = Yes


Are the people that posted in this thread perfect = No


Do they have the right to pass judgement = Yes (he posted on a forum)


Should they get off of their high horses and stop acting perfect = yes


Will being assoiciated with the military help = It usually does because you plan on risking your life for your country. Judges in most cases are more lenient... plus they know you are about to get your ass beat in basic anyway :D

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what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul


are you referring to me?

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I haven't read everything but remember, when it comes to vehicles and ANYTHING ... NEVER EVER FOR ANY REASON EVER ... ever ever plead no contest.


No contest as is good as 'guilty' but they don't need to prove anything to make you guilty.


God I wish I would of known that before all the shit I got into. Thank you Anthony

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Licking County judges are going to stick it to you because they don't have much else to do. Bring up the fact that you are going into the air force and be ready to prove this statement. This will more than likely going to help you.


And another idea, stop hanging out with people that do dumb shit. And just so you know, there is never anything to do, it doesn't matter where you live.


And just for future reference ... My contract with the Navy saved my ass on my last reckless ops and speeding ticket, but I had to have my recruiter go with me to the court hearing to say I'd already signed and if it went through it would make them have to draw up another contract because it would change the conditions of my joining.


Long story short, she saved my ass. And a few 100 $'s.


Ohio laws suck sometimes on the way the Judges handle things, some judges are understanding to the circumstances and will generally give you like community service for being around idiots. I don't know if everyone remembers my 200.5 community service hours I did jail time for story. But that sucked. Don't be that guy.

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This is how dumb Licking County is. I get a court appointed attorney...and they give her to me for the wrong damn case!! Now I have to go in there and ask for yet another continuance. I tried contacting the attorney they gave me, but she is in court all day. I have a traffic ticket that I have to goto court for and they appointed her to that case. I dont need a damn lawyer for that. Err!!
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Haha you mean those guys that bend the law around them? You dont think theres cops on here that street race? Cmon man I know for a fact there is. Anyways im going in to ask for another continuance so nothings going to happen today.


Im sure there are some yes

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