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Regarding splurging...


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So when is the last time you did it for either yourself, or you significant other? We both found a pair of diamond earrings at the polaris mall that were priced to sell. I couldn't pass them up so I bought them for her. She now has 5/8 carat earrings. :D
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Have you seen tool truck prices? There might not be anything left to splurge

when you spend money on them (weekly) they tend too give you the better deals! plus i sometimes wait for the new flyers to come out, to see whats on sale. plus i price shop when buyying tools(on some stuff)

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So Rob you are saying you don't spurge because you spend all your money on the car and tools?

well, im not sure...but that shit is my life!

not having tools to me is like you not having air!

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Our Mac guy usually gives us a nice deal, and I tend to splurge when I get on that truck. 1000ft lb impact for $285, how can I not buy it?

hell yeah..thats what im talking about



in for the triple!!!!

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Me too but it still ain't cheap

what is anymore?


not a damn thing!


fucking gas is $3 bucks a gallon ...and it seems no one is taking care of there car, cause it all goes in the damn tank!


they wait till the damn thing breaks completely down, then there mad at you cause it cost so much to fix!

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