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Michael Vick Cards!

Big Steve

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Has anybody been on ebay lately? Have you seen the chew'd up cards by dogs that are being sold for some nice change? One lady sold one for $7,400 dollars. Now the entire world is trying to get some money off another mans mistake!



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Has anybody been on ebay lately? Have you seen the chew'd up cards by dogs that are being sold for some nice change? One lady sold one for $7,400 dollars. Now the entire world is trying to get some money off another mans mistake!




Dude, are you retarded?




This auction is being advertised and put on by hutchjer and local animal shelters. All proceeds go to a national aspca.


We are trying to raise as much money as we can to help stop the next Michael Vick, and to support all animal shelters and animal charities. These dogs and other animals live this rough and cruel life everyday but with the support of all us citizens and government we can and we will over come this, if we all band together.


Please help us to build stronger and more punishable laws not only in Indiana but nation wide. We all need to band together as animal lovers and support all aspca and government agencies, which are there to stop this cruelty.


Help stop the next Michael Vick!!


Thank you for your support!!


Michael Vick is a douche. This isn't just "one man's mistake". A mistake would've been participating in a dog fight once. He fucking organized the shit. He even bought a house just to host dog fights at. He's a douche, and deserves the maximum penalty.

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If they were really serious they would come to the Northeast side of town. Dogfights happen every night. Stakes are $2000 a fight at the least! Plus there are alot of professionals that are knee deep in this also. I know of a couple who are involved but by now they probably have pulled out!
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If they were really serious they would come to the Northeast side of town. Dogfights happen every night. Stakes are $2000 and fight at the least! Plus there are alot of professionals that are knee deep in this also. I know of a couple who are involved but by now they probably have pulled out!

Maybe you should report it to the police. :)

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Yea i'm still failing to see how this is as big of a deal as everyone makes it. they're fucking dogs, so 8 dogs are killed and its across the national media for a month. yet crime is rampant, people are killed everyday, and this is what we focus on? i understand he's famous, but come the fuck on...
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Yea i'm still failing to see how this is as big of a deal as everyone makes it. they're fucking dogs, so 8 dogs are killed and its across the national media for a month. yet crime is rampant, people are killed everyday, and this is what we focus on? i understand he's famous, but come the fuck on...

Right, crime IS rampant...and this IS a crime, so I fail to see your thought process, or lack-there-of. He didn't just kill 8 dogs, he gambled on them, trained them unnaturally, treated and killed them in inhumane ways and potentially hurt the respective breeds of dog involved, spawning more legislature attempts throughout the country to ban "dangerous" dogs.

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Fuck dog fighters. If I met someone I knew fought dogs I would prolly beat the shit out of him and then let my dog chew on him. Thats bull shit .


It's mother fuckers like Vick that make my neighbors scared of Big Joe.

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Fuck dog fighters. If I met someone I knew fought dogs I would prolly beat the shit out of him and then let my dog chew on him. Thats bull shit .


It's mother fuckers like Vick that make my neighbors scared of Big Joe.


People who fight dogs are retarded and should be locked up. I would not try to beat the shit out of them unless they are held down at gun point. You talking about some real killas here. Alot of you do not know that some murders that go down in Columbus start from dog fights. More serious to them then what you think. They need to do something to stop it though!

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If I say its for charity then I'm sure the card will sell... :rolleyes:


If you are gonna say it is for charity then be truthful! Don't be like the rest of the douche's out there! I am waiting to see what other football players are going down next. he was not the only one involved in the NFL.

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