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We tried to clean the AAP lot...

V8 Beast

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It didnt works so well :(

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Tonight was not a total loss. I actually got a dig race in. Thanks to Sam for showing the way. It was supposed to be me, miller, whoever owns the blue srt-4, and a integra. Ended up being I say 20 cars!



Yeah for real, who called in the cavalry. That is a good spot and I am surprised that the cops drove by. Been there acouple of times with never any issues.

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Yeah for real, who called in the cavalry. That is a good spot and I am surprised that the cops drove by. Been there acouple of times with never any issues.


Brian was showing me and Hal a GREAT spot for dig runs last night... we have to keep it pretty quiet though. I guess the process will be Hal or Brian posting up "Dig Runs Tonight @ xx:xx. If you dont know where, PM one of us 3." And there is a couple rules....


It really is a great spot. I pussy footed up to about 100 and still had PLENTY of time to shut down.

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Brian was showing me and Hal a GREAT spot for dig runs last night... we have to keep it pretty quiet though. I guess the process will be Hal or Brina posting up "Dig Runs Tonight @ xx:xx. If you dont know where, PM one of us 3."


It really is a great spot. I pussy footed up to about 100 and still had PLENTY of time to shut down.


Plus specators cars will be behind a hill if grass, and cannot be seen. If you trap over 125mph I would suggest not going the full quarter, but you could easily run a few 0-110 or 1/8th runs and have plenty of room to shut down.

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Plus specators cars will be behind a hill if grass, and cannot be seen. If you trap over 125mph I would suggest not going the full quarter, but you could easily run a few 0-110 or 1/8th runs and have plenty of room to shut down.


Dig Race Rules


1. If you are not racing, working the line, or spoting, you dont need to be there. This spot is not for a social gathering for anyone and 190 of thier closest friends.


2. If you show up WITHOUT being invited, or without someone who WAS invited, go the fuck away. If you make the choice to bring someone with you who was not invited, WE need to know who they are. And they are NOT allowed to be there by themselves untill we deem them OK.


3. For safty, there should be only 4 people on the road at a time: two guys racing, the line worker, and a spoter at the end. Dont crowd the edge of the road because its just too dangerous.


4. Also for safty, you WILL SHUT DOWN @ 1000ft, which will be marked off with both a line, and cones. If you roll any further, you risk your own safty and everyone else around you. Dont do it.

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Basically if you are not racing, a camera person, flagger, lookout, or the person at the end dont show up. We could easily get about 5 races in with no issues as long as we are smart about it. 2 Look points garauntee that there is no one even close enough to tell where the sound is coming from. It reflects and sounds like its coming from 3 different directions :D


One phone call and the entire spot can be empty before anyone has time to catch anyone.

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I ran up through 2nd which is around 90ish and I had room to slllooooowwww doooowwwnnnn and drive 35 for a bit before coming to the curve. This will be a good spot, it just needs a bit of prep, and to be kept a little quiet.
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I ran up through 2nd which is around 90ish and I had room to slllooooowwww doooowwwnnnn and drive 35 for a bit before coming to the curve. This will be a good spot, it just needs a bit of prep, and to be kept a little quiet.


You know, if you started on the little bend by where we were, you could do 20 rolls too :D

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Yeah there was a bunch oh people there. It will be hard to keep the "not wanted" crowd away, they just kind of follow when people leave from QS&L. Nice place though and tons of room to shut down.

You weren't there.

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Yeah there was a bunch oh people there. It will be hard to keep the "not wanted" crowd away, they just kind of follow when people leave from QS&L. Nice place though and tons of room to shut down.


No its easy... since theres only like 4 of us that could get back there... the only people that show up are the only people we invite. I can think about about a dozen who could initialy get an invite.

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I just ran it again. I got the car up to 123mph and shut it down safely. I ran an 11.5 close to that mph so I would assume that run was a little over a quarter considering I spun the tires on the start. It has 1/5 of a mile to shutdown with a bend that can be taken at 30mph.


Steve you havnt seen this one yet. I just found it the other day. Come out to my house and we can get a dig in tonight.... Oh, and I have your kids :D

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Reed where they are talking about was not where we were! Total diff place and environ... Me and a select person have raced there a few times.

steve yoiu talkin about were you digged the red srt the other night?


the best way to go for any race is to meet down the street and leave. We disappeared to steak and shake before and got 0 straglers.

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