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Reasons Marijuana should be legal.


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Littering and..................................

Littering and........................

littering aaaaaaaaaand................................................................................................................................ SMOKIN THE REEFER!


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Mojoe, you obviously have no idea about the effects of marijuana/the habits of marijuana smokers. Would you seriously compromise the freedom of privacy just so you wouldnt have to live next to someone you're probably never going to see/have to deal with anyway?



If that is what you are getting out of my post you are missing the topic of the thread. You obviously have no idea where I'm coming from. The topic being should it be legal? My post was me stating an option for legalization. Freedom of privacy has nothing to do with it. At the moment, it's illegal. Meaning it's a violation of law with a controlled substance.


You saying I have no idea the effects of marijuana/the habits of marijuana smokers, is you making a blind statement. How you are with it, and how others deal/treat it are separate issues. The same as if I have a few drinks I like to joke around. Vs. someone else likes to kick his wifes ass and rape the dog. What you know is what is around you and how you are. I could argue that extacy should be legal. I mean, after all, it was a prescription drug up to 1988. And what were the bad things to come from it? When DR's were interviewed and asked about it, they said that they them selfs use it and would continue to. It made them feel good. It relaxed and took away the stress of long days and tough situations. It relieve people of social anxiety. It was call the hug drug. I suppose pot has none of those characteristics? They are both illegal. They are both made with things added to them sometimes that can be harmful. A guy I grew up with has a chemical imbalance that was set off by smoking pot that had something added to it or it was soaked in something. Either way, there are bad effects to it. I get drug tested. I don't want it around me. I have fun without it, so it's hard for me to justify doing it. Again, this is my point of view.

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Joe you cant argue your opinion to a pot head they take it personally


I understand point of view and prescription. I see were others are coming from with this. It's hard to see why someone doesn't understand you when you are in the state of mind that it is such a make sense thing. When they feel good from it and don't see that there is any trouble from it, then why wouldn't someone want to do it? I could argue the pot side of things too. It's just been more entertaining to state the side I'm on.


Taking things personally isn't too bad a thing sometimes. Sometimes you just want the support and understanding from people that you aren't doing anything wrong. That you are responsible with what you do. Steroids are illegal. Yet Deca, for my body type, would be absolutely fine in the right dose and cycled correctly. Not even Doctor's can put a patient on it to improve fitness or strength. And that is WITH their supervision! It's illegal. You don't have to agree with it. But, that is how the law is.

What about smoking in general? My views are still the same as drinking or pot, but it's legal.

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Mojoe, you obviously have no idea about the effects of marijuana/the habits of marijuana smokers. Would you seriously compromise the freedom of privacy just so you wouldnt have to live next to someone you're probably never going to see/have to deal with anyway?


I mean honestly since pot is currently illegaly and no one openly smokes joints in the front yard, You could live next door to a person right now who on occasion fires up a joint and chills.



But I also respect Joe's opinion even though I disagree with it.

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"A regulated, legal market in marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and use among teenagers"


That one made me laugh. Oh stoners and their never ending fight to legalize marijuana. I don't think I can even imagine this argument ever ending. Since, well, I don't ever see legalization happening.


Drugs are bad.... mmmkay?

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It could go on and on. The base of the discussion would be drugs and end up about gun control and womens rights. It stems off of, why I can't do what I want to.


Not a bad discussion over all though.

It's America, and if we were truly 100% free to do as we please, we'd live back in the dark ages like Afghanistan and all those 3rd world shit holes. I don't believe the marijuana thing will ever make it to "legalized" status. Personally the people I know that have done it, move on to stronger things. Like drinkers, instead of just beer, they'll drink shots of liquor to get the faster drunk. Comparing marijuana to alcohol, is apples to oranges.

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If that is what you are getting out of my post you are missing the topic of the thread. You obviously have no idea where I'm coming from. The topic being should it be legal? My post was me stating an option for legalization. Freedom of privacy has nothing to do with it. At the moment, it's illegal. Meaning it's a violation of law with a controlled substance.


You saying I have no idea the effects of marijuana/the habits of marijuana smokers, is you making a blind statement. How you are with it, and how others deal/treat it are separate issues. The same as if I have a few drinks I like to joke around. Vs. someone else likes to kick his wifes ass and rape the dog. What you know is what is around you and how you are. I could argue that extacy should be legal. I mean, after all, it was a prescription drug up to 1988. And what were the bad things to come from it? When DR's were interviewed and asked about it, they said that they them selfs use it and would continue to. It made them feel good. It relaxed and took away the stress of long days and tough situations. It relieve people of social anxiety. It was call the hug drug. I suppose pot has none of those characteristics? They are both illegal. They are both made with things added to them sometimes that can be harmful. A guy I grew up with has a chemical imbalance that was set off by smoking pot that had something added to it or it was soaked in something. Either way, there are bad effects to it. I get drug tested. I don't want it around me. I have fun without it, so it's hard for me to justify doing it. Again, this is my point of view.


I ,<3 You

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It's America, and if we were truly 100% free to do as we please, we'd live back in the dark ages like Afghanistan and all those 3rd world shit holes. I don't believe the marijuana thing will ever make it to "legalized" status. Personally the people I know that have done it, move on to stronger things. Like drinkers, instead of just beer, they'll drink shots of liquor to get the faster drunk. Comparing marijuana to alcohol, is apples to oranges.



I know plenty of older smokers who are all just that and only that. Most don't even drink.


Thats right comparing pot to alcohol is not the same. Alky kills.


People on pot can still make sinceable choices.

People on pot don't go pick random fights. ( I hate drunks )


People on Alky pick fights for no reason ( a majority )

People on Alky think they are ok to drive when they are far past it

People on Alky are generaly abusive towards family




Why don't we discuss why pot is illegal and alky is not.


Lets discuss the racism behind the decision.

Lets Discuss how pot is a great treatment for people during chemo.


It's a shame that a plant that has so many uses is illegal.




Now I know people will come up with reason of why it should be illegal. The best part is almost every single one of them applies to alky or ciggerretes. But they are legal.

I would love to hear a reason why pot is illegal.


The biggest one I've herd is that it causes Schizophrenia well that reason was debunked a while back.

Causes cancer? Nope actually helps prevent it

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It's a shame a family member of mine has to live in fear of jail because the medicine her doctor suggested to her is illegal. Yet Marinol (Synth THC) did not help her the same way.


This removed her nasuaia after chemo.

It also caused her to still eat.


A big reason people die during chemo is they don't eat and the body gets weak.

Her doctor said she's the first chemo patient he's ever had that gained weight.

From her first few months of chemo not eating and wasting to fat. Sounds like a evil plant to me.

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You know... actually...

For you smokers... if your pulled over and we ask you "do you have anything in the car I need to know about" or something along those lines of "hey if theres something in here you shouldnt have let me know now".


If YOU can smell it.. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII can smell it. Just freaking tell us. 9 times out of 10 I will boot test it because its not worth the extra time and hassle of writing you for it. If your just honest, we really appreciate it and youll have a MUCH better chance of catching a break than lying to us and us finding it during a search. That shit pisses me off.

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Even if you legalize it, I guarantee every employer that does drug tests, will still do drug tests and will not hire those who smoke.

I've seen enough stoned people, the so-called "happy and relaxing" set things on fire, even inside their house, or smash things in neighbor's yards to "set it free" or go out and drive and either swerve all over the road or actually hit curbs, poles etc or even other cars.

Its illegal, if you want to keep repeat posession offenders out, don't make it legal, tell them to stop breaking the law.

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I can not stand drugs in any way shape or form. However those of you that say it will never be legal are wrong. You seem to forget how greedy our government is. If a plan is brought up before them that garauntees they would make a huge profit, it would be legal so fast our heads would turn. If they find a way to do it like up north then they would be all for it. Just like all of the laws that they are passing with cigarettes. Do you think they really care about people, or do you think they love the fact that they can tax the hell out of them because they are "bad" for you.


The government is a business. And like with any business the main concern is how do we make a profit. There only issue is they have to look like they are doing it in our best interests when they turn a profit.


Last but not least.... Marijuana is considered a gateway drug. This is mainly because it's illegal and people that sell it may have a connection to some of the more hard core drugs. When they run out of marijauna to sell you they say "try this". And if you are really addicted to getting high you just might try it. A place to smoke weed and listen to poetry may help kids stay away from that element (the key word there is might)


ALL DRUGS ARE BAD!!!!!!!! Tylenol, advil, caffein, all of it is bad!

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ALL DRUGS ARE BAD!!!!!!!! Tylenol, advil, caffein, all of it is bad!



I agree with most of your point of view. However, the quoted statement above is arguable.

I'm not sure if you were caught up in what you were writing. That would be understandable, if you were. But, to say that "all drugs are bad", is not accurate (notice I stay away from words like right and wrong). Almost every drug that is now illegal came from some sort of medical testing for a cure or treatment for some type of illness or hope to make our body better. Where drugs become "bad", is when they are used in excess, by dosage or frequency, or used knowing they are harmful.

There are thousands of drugs out there that are helpful for our body, if used correctly.

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I agree with most of your point of view. However, the quoted statement above is arguable.

I'm not sure if you were caught up in what you were writing. That would be understandable, if you were. But, to say that "all drugs are bad", is not accurate (notice I stay away from words like right and wrong). Almost every drug that is now illegal came from some sort of medical testing for a cure or treatment for some type of illness or hope to make our body better. Where drugs become "bad", is when they are used in excess, by dosage or frequency, or used knowing they are harmful.

There are thousands of drugs out there that are helpful for our body, if used correctly.


Very true, the last part was just an opinion. I feel if it was made in a lab, it shouldnt be swallowed, or injected. If the food wasnt so damn nasty I would probably be a vegan :D

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