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Reasons Marijuana should be legal.


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Hey look you can't overdose and kill yourself on it. Maybe it shouldn't be classified as a drug or a controlled substance...




I wonder if anyone has tried to OD on erb..... I think they would pass out first, and probably have the best sleep of their entire life.


I think no one has died from it because most people that smoke dont do it from 18 - 75 years of age like people do with other drugs. Plus 1-2 blunt does not equal 2 packs of cigarettes, or a 2 x 5ths of Jack Daniels everyday.

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Even if you legalize it, I guarantee every employer that does drug tests, will still do drug tests and will not hire those who smoke.

I've seen enough stoned people, the so-called "happy and relaxing" set things on fire, even inside their house, or smash things in neighbor's yards to "set it free" or go out and drive and either swerve all over the road or actually hit curbs, poles etc or even other cars.

Its illegal, if you want to keep repeat posession offenders out, don't make it legal, tell them to stop breaking the law.



You want to put that driving one to the test. Top Gear did a thing on driving while stoned. Also because you know some immature asses who would have most likely set shit on fire with out smoking does not mean it causes that.


BUT if you give a alky a bunch to drink I will bet you anything if you irrate them you will get in a fight.

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