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WTF is wrong with our government?


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Ok so i was on yahoo, and saw that parts of the US are trying to ban wearing "saggy pants"!?!




Is this really what are time is worth in this age? With a war going on, a hurricane season looming, rediculous fuel prices, and College football... is this seriously the best thing we could do with our time?


Well while were on the subject of stupid laws... how bout a couple that might actully be worth while:


- While in a drive thru line, you must turn OFF your head lights. Nothing pisses me off more than the F-250 behind me with his lights blasting in every mirror i have.


- Have a traffic camera on EVERY on ramp, and if a car leading the pack cant reach 65mph before 100ft of the lane merge, they need to be fined $250. On timers, reset every 15 seconds, allows for the pile up of cars behind the intial offender to pass without getting clocked.


- If your car is more than 10yrs old, and/or makes less than 150hp, it needs to get the fuck off the road. These cars cant get out of thier own way, let alone a trucker that cant read a blind spot.


- It should be illegal to run out of gas.


- It should be illegal to drive in the left lane when there are no other cars around you.


- It should be illegal to drive in the RIGHT lane with a lane merging from the right, on a road with more than 2 lanes.


You know, even though noone of the stuff that really needs looked at will ever be, at least i can sleep at night knowing that those people that piss me off everyday wont have thier pants hanging half way down there ass :mad:

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- It should be illegal to drive in the RIGHT lane with a lane merging from the right, on a road with more than 2 lanes.



Fuck that, I drive the right lane because no one drives in it and cops don't clock that lane that often. I watch for merging cars and move over if we get close, then get back in it once I am by that car. otherwise I stay put.

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You know, even though noone of the stuff that really needs looked at will ever be, at least i can sleep at night knowing that those people that piss me off everyday wont have thier pants hanging half way down there ass :mad:


lmao that is a good finish. You do bring up a good point. We sure don't have our priorities straight somtimes.

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If we ban saggy pants can we ban, any other way someone may wear their clothes that we think looks stupid?


The law is dumb and pointless and should not even be a concern. If you don't like the way it looks look the other way and go about your business.

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If we ban saggy pants can we ban, any other way someone may wear their clothes that we think looks stupid?


The law is dumb and pointless and should not even be a concern. If you don't like the way it looks look the other way and go about your business.


Lemmie guess. you wear your pants halfway down your ass?

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Only thing I don't agree with is the merge thing. If you are merging you have a yield sign, meaning if I am doing the speed limit and in the right lane, then you better yield because my ass is staying put. I hate people that think you have to move over because they are coming onto the highway, you have the yield sign not me, however I do try to move over out of courtesy but then again the people that flood left lane are usually in my way.
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You bitch about gas prices rising, and in the same thread you say any car with less than 150 HP needs to get off the road. You also advocate accelerating as quickly as possible to merge, stating that you need to be driving at the maximum speed permitted by law. Your argument is also the same argument people use when they would like to see state inspections begin.


Cliffs = Your argument sucks.

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You bitch about gas prices rising, and in the same thread you say any car with less than 150 HP needs to get off the road. You also advocate accelerating as quickly as possible to merge, stating that you need to be driving at the maximum speed permitted by law. Your argument is also the same argument people use when they would like to see state inspections begin.


Cliffs = Your argument sucks.


I wasnt bithcing about gas prices... none of those were my arguments... I was just saying, if we are going to take the time to forget about the things that MOST people care about, then why not pass laws EQUALY rediculous, but more useful in our daily lives other than sagging fucking pants.

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Is this really what are time is worth in this age? With a war going on, a hurricane season looming, rediculous fuel prices, and College football... is this seriously the best thing we could do with our time?



I guess this isn't a complaint so much as an observation, but a negative association is inevitable.

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Guest Scooter
- It should be illegal to run out of gas.


- It should be illegal to drive in the left lane when there are no other cars around you.


These two things are illegal in Germany. You get a ticket for running out of gas on the Autobahn, and you can only use the left lane for passing. However, if you are going 150+ mph anyways, you most likely are always passing, so that's not really enforced. But the running out of gas thing is.

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