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I can hook you up with an account where my server is located. It's a little over $100 a year, you have insane amounts of bandwidth and space, and registering a domain (actual website name) is $10 a year. I need to take a look at it when I get some time, but I should be able to get your first year for next to nothing. Going this route means you don't have to buy any hardware, you don't have to maintain anything, and once it's set up, all you have to do is upload whatever you want. If you stop by the house sometime, I can have you all set up in less than half an hour. This way, if you want to have a website you can, or you can just use it for hosting files, uploaded through FTP, all of which I can show you. I've been with the same place for probably 4 years now, and I've been happy the entire time.
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Guest Fuzzman
You can do it for close to free. You just need a crappy computer with internet access that you dont use for anything else. All the software can be obtained for free. If you would like more info on the software or setting it up let me know I have alot of experience with this kind of stuff. I would also be willing to help set it up and help a brother out.
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