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Ron Paul


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Thorne, I saw your car at "the depot" on Sunday.


It's too bad Ron Paul isn't mainstream. I think he's the right guy at the wrong time, I just don't know if he's too late or too early. I just think that he's too much.


Did anyone else think that Thompson was just plain horrible tonight??? I kept wanting to like him, but I felt like I was listening to a stumbling drunk trying to make a point.


Giuliani just doesn't light my fire. I really think I'm a Romney man.......but there is where we have something in common Thorne. No one is going to vote for "the Mormon"........just like no one is going to vote for Ron Paul.


Damn it pisses me off that I'm going to have to go to the voting polls and make a selection between "bad" and "less worse". We're going to hell in the greatest damn nation in the world!!! God bless America

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You're all being suckered. Just my feeling and opinion. Oh, and remember I came from Texas. I'm very familiar with southern republicans. I won't get into the debate here as I find Ron Paul supporters to be rather hotheaded and blind to reason. Sorta like religious zealots. :D
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You're all being suckered. Just my feeling and opinion. Oh, and remember I came from Texas. I'm very familiar with southern republicans. I won't get into the debate here as I find Ron Paul supporters to be rather hotheaded and blind to reason. Sorta like religious zealots. :D

So you bash a republican and than refuse to debate; yup, sounds about right along the lines of being a liberal.

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good man!


Yeah, been looking around at all the candidates and checking out their views on pretty much everything. Ron Paul is the most closely in-line with my views that he's worth truly supporting. I also like Fred Thompson, but I like Ron Paul's views on foreign policy better as Thompson is more along the lines of Bush.

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Yeah, been looking around at all the candidates and checking out their views on pretty much everything. Ron Paul is the most closely in-line with my views that he's worth truly supporting. I also like Fred Thompson, but I like Ron Paul's views on foreign policy better as Thompson is more along the lines of Bush.

I think Thompson and Paul are the only two worth while on the GOP side.

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You're all being suckered. Just my feeling and opinion. Oh, and remember I came from Texas. I'm very familiar with southern republicans. I won't get into the debate here as I find Ron Paul supporters to be rather hotheaded and blind to reason. Sorta like religious zealots. :D


My thoughts exactly. Every OSU home game on woodruff theres the crazies with a big picture of jesus, who say we're all going to hell unless we repent and right around the corner are all the Ron paul crazies who say we're all going to hell unless we vote.

Ron Paul may be a nice guy and sticks to his word whenever he votes, but he is just too out there for me and talks like everything in this country is a conspiracy. True, returning to our roots from the founding fathers sounds like a good idea, but theres also a thing called "progress" and therefore not everything can be that bad. About the federal reserve and why we're not on the gold standard anymore...I honestly don't think theres enough gold in the world for how much money this country makes in a year. There is so much soft currency transfer in and out of the country that I honestly don't think going back to the gold standard would work.

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You're all being suckered. Just my feeling and opinion. Oh, and remember I came from Texas. I'm very familiar with southern republicans. I won't get into the debate here as I find Ron Paul supporters to be rather hotheaded and blind to reason. Sorta like religious zealots. :D

So fill us in and give us dumb northerners some edumacation.

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True, returning to our roots from the founding fathers sounds like a good idea, but theres also a thing called "progress" and therefore not everything can be that bad.

Most of the problems we have is due to ignoring the constitution. Our founding father were smart guys and I think the frame work that was set forth should be followed.



About the federal reserve and why we're not on the gold standard anymore...I honestly don't think theres enough gold in the world for how much money this country makes in a year. There is so much soft currency transfer in and out of the country that I honestly don't think going back to the gold standard would work.


It is called devaluation of the currency. That is why the dollar of today is only worth about $.04 when compared to 1910. After the fed reserve came on line it gave the banks a cartel like dominance over the economy. they have been given the right to print money and dump it on the market, therefore driving down the buying power of the dollar. As fas a not being enough money to go around. We would not have enough money to go around if the current inflated prices continue. In the event of going back to a gold standard the prices will reset according to the market forces, and the number of dollars available. In short that loaf of bread the you paid $3.00 for may only $1.50 after. Because there will be less currency in circulation.


How will that effect the mortgage/loans that are already in the market, I am not completely sure. I would assume that some sort of market adjustment would need to be made to reflect the change in the available dollars.


The international currency market would see a resurgence of the dollars value.


The thing that scares me the most is the amount of debt that is held by foreign powers. Just like when you have a large mortgage you become the indentured servant to the bank, the same thing is happening to the US. we are now the servant of China.


No matter if we make a move to Gold standard now or we wait, it will hurt either way. Little pain now, or we go the way of the Romans later.

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The reason we have a judicial branch is to tell us whether something is unconstitutional or not. I don't need a Presidential candidate who agrees that the executive branch shouldn't have any more power telling me we're not following the constitution.


Whew, China, they're just along for the ride. They are making insane amounts of money from us, and like you stated we're making a lot from them. Sure we might have a little trouble if they take all that money away, but what do you think will happen to them if they can no longer deal with America? Plus they're going to be in big trouble once they become a "developed country," if they ever do, everything will change and most likely the people will rise up against the communists and they'll probably need our help. I wouldn't worry too much about it, most countries in the world need us more than we need them, and thats exactly why they hate us. Is that arrogant or just truthful? I dont know

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My thoughts exactly. Every OSU home game on woodruff theres the crazies with a big picture of jesus, who say we're all going to hell unless we repent and right around the corner are all the Ron paul crazies who say we're all going to hell unless we vote.

Ron Paul may be a nice guy and sticks to his word whenever he votes, but he is just too out there for me and talks like everything in this country is a conspiracy. True, returning to our roots from the founding fathers sounds like a good idea, but theres also a thing called "progress" and therefore not everything can be that bad. About the federal reserve and why we're not on the gold standard anymore...I honestly don't think theres enough gold in the world for how much money this country makes in a year. There is so much soft currency transfer in and out of the country that I honestly don't think going back to the gold standard would work.



Couple of questions for you.


1. What conspiracies does he talk about?

2. Are you currently happy with how things are today? Do you like paying 1/3 of what you make to the government so that they can line their own pockets?


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I'll have to watch those videos later, I've got an exam to get to. Is that 2nd one the one with Ron Paul's cameo appearance?


1. One, that our taxes just line our governments pockets, and don't do anything beneficial for the people. Two, he's the only one I know of calling for the end to the fed, the irs, pulling out of the UN, etc at least that I see. Concerning the fed, he says it in a way that we don't know and can't know how its run, because is a secret organization run by some private bank that no one knows.

2. yes very happy, taxes are currently paying for my school and my health insurance and will also be giving me a guaranteed job once I graduate (Air Force)

Don't get me wrong, I don't love taxes. If that socialist clinton gets into office I'm not going to like our 50% tax hike to pay for every single child in the country. But I like the way things are right now

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Couple of questions for you.


1. What conspiracies does he talk about?

2. Are you currently happy with how things are today? Do you like paying 1/3 of what you make to the government so that they can line their own pockets?




I bet he's one of those people who try and say NAFTA and shit is not on the books. It's something that they want to do. That there my friend is fact. The international highway, whats that going to do ? Allow more illegals in. I am sick of paying for other countrys problems. If iraq put a army in us and told us it was for our protection what do you think we would say?



There is not a single thing paul says thats not truth, His voting record speaks for itself. He's never voted for a unbalanced budget.



If not the gold standard then what? Other countrys laugh at american money now. It was not always like that. But when you have a private company that basiclly controls our money and prints more when ever we need it, What does that do to the common citizen who has 5 $ in his pocket ? Well if the goverment prints 50% more money that money just lost 25% of its value(I think my math is right).


Rich get rich poor get poor. Now the middle class is starting to slip more. We have tons of things we do "Goverment" that are a waste of resources. do you think the 1million per minute iraw costs us is worth it ?


We are in a fucking war that has no purpose. They already admitted that. But were stuck.



Ron Paul 2008

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I'll have to watch those videos later, I've got an exam to get to. Is that 2nd one the one with Ron Paul's cameo appearance?


1. One, that our taxes just line our governments pockets, and don't do anything beneficial for the people. Two, he's the only one I know of calling for the end to the fed, the irs, pulling out of the UN, etc at least that I see. Concerning the fed, he says it in a way that we don't know and can't know how its run, because is a secret organization run by some private bank that no one knows.

2. yes very happy, taxes are currently paying for my school and my health insurance and will also be giving me a guaranteed job once I graduate (Air Force)

Don't get me wrong, I don't love taxes. If that socialist clinton gets into office I'm not going to like our 50% tax hike to pay for every single child in the country. But I like the way things are right now


I'll respond when I get back from work. I do strongly encourage you check out those videos. They are not Ron Paul videos, they are about Inflation, and the Federal Reserve.


I am not trying to force my views on anyone, I just think that many people really don't know enough about what is going on, and how things work. Just trying to tell a few people. Hopefully they will tell a few, and so forth.


I for one am rather pissed off at the "estalishment".

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I'm not attacking. See how quickly your feathers are ruffled people? Proving my point about Ron Paul supporters. :p

And what do I have to defend about my statement? Since when am I unable to give my feelings and/or opinions? Just like I stated in my post. I don't have to back a damn thing up past what I posted. Like I said, "Just my feelings and opinion." Something just doesn't sit right with me and I'm not inclined to write it and figure it all out on here. Take it personally and lose some sleep over it if you like. ;)

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I'm not attacking. See how quickly your feathers are ruffled people? Proving my point about Ron Paul supporters. :p

And what do I have to defend about my statement? Since when am I unable to give my feelings and/or opinions? Just like I stated in my post. I don't have to back a damn thing up past what I posted. Like I said, "Just my feelings and opinion." Something just doesn't sit right with me and I'm not inclined to write it and figure it all out on here. Take it personally and lose some sleep over it if you like. ;)

....and you still sound as knowledgeable as a tubesock when you post things like that. "I feel blah blah blah but I refuse to debate or discuss it." I thought liberals were the ones claiming to be open-minded?

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....and you still sound as knowledgeable as a tubesock when you post things like that. "I feel blah blah blah but I refuse to debate or discuss it." I thought liberals were the ones claiming to be open-minded?


lol You don't know me nor do you know if I'm liberal. I have no problems "claiming" I'm one thing or another because you're opinion means diddly to me. I put my last post in as plain as English as I could. How you can come up with such a silly, childish, disrespectful thing to me as an answer to it is almost beyond me. However, having read your last couple posts you have proven to be one of "those" kind of supporters who make others with actual information to share look bad, but you've revealed you are just the type of person who would continue to post sarcastic, ignorant remarks to a man, including insulting his intelligence.


Cliffs: You, my young friend, are being an ass. And guess what, it has nothing to do with any labels you or any other person applies to you. Keep you uneducated, ignorant comments to yourself. It's only amusing for so long and I'm sure it's helping your cause. :rolleyes: How's that for speaking my mind? :asshole: :D

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