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Faith is a Mental Disease


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Talking to ones self and believing in something that you know is real are two totally different things.



"In conclusion, I think that faith is a mental disease. Not necessarily a major illness, but nevertheless something quite worrisome. This disease needs to be and can be cured. "


Wow strong words for something that will never be backed up. You cannot take ones religion away. Heck people bring there "OTHER" religions here everyday and we have to jump through hoops to accommodate them.


Im LOLing, because christianity has pressed itself on non-christians for two millenia.

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Im LOLing, because Catholics has pressed itself on non-christians for two millenia.

I fixed that for you. That was the crusades.


BTW... telling people about Christ is not pressing anything on you. No one can force you to convert, we can only tell you about Christ, the rest is up to you. Why should we not be able to do that anyhow, non-Christians try to force their beliefs on my children and I daily. In school, TV, radio, magazines, in the stores etc.

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Just for a moment remember 99.9% of all species on this planet have died, we are next. Sorry God has nothing to do with (our) fate, be it global warming, a gama ray burst (our solar system is full of netron stars) It is silly to think that anything on this planet is permenent. If we don't do our selfs in, the universe will. Your old collector car and fast EVO will also not out live us. So to believe in a "Christain" God is just silly Darwin was right evolution is and always will be what is going on with living creatures.
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Just for a moment remember 99.9% of all species on this planet have died, we are next. Sorry God has nothing to do with (our) fate, be it global warming, a gama ray burst (our solar system is full of netron stars) It is silly to think that anything on this planet is permenent. If we don't do our selfs in, the universe will. Your old collector car and fast EVO will also not out live us. So to believe in a "Christain" God is just silly Darwin was right evolution is and always will be what is going on with living creatures.

Please use then.... get it over quicker!




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Guest 614Streets

Religion itself allows a line to be made between that of animals and that of a man. A consious , which is a mental operation is conjoined with good rule that religion allows us to adhere to and practice.


The underlying basis for all belived religions is for good and not for evil.



So as to say. The rules we adhere to and the conditions that have evolved us do infact go hand in hand with that of religion. It has been said before that science will not disprove religion rather they will actually be that which is actually the same thing. Something which cannot be proven.



I have met some very good people in my short 29 years alive and my favorites were thoose based with faith. They were good people. And thoose faith based people even if in dispair themselves, managed to still do well for others.



This is why the evolutions are wrong in there attacks of christians as well as attacks against other religious based humans.



Can any of you evolutionists explain what electricity is and what all it can do , its relevence to life?


Or would you rather explain how it has effected us in a evolutionary approach wheather it be the indians dancing for rain and thunder to current evolution of how man has created the ability to use it as a tool.

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Religion itself allows a line to be made between that of animals and that of a man. A consious , which is a mental operation is conjoined with good rule that religion allows us to adhere to and practice.


The underlying basis for all belived religions is for good and not for evil.



So as to say. The rules we adhere to and the conditions that have evolved us do infact go hand in hand with that of religion. It has been said before that science will not disprove religion rather they will actually be that which is actually the same thing. Something which cannot be proven.



I have met some very good people in my short 29 years alive and my favorites were thoose based with faith. They were good people. And thoose faith based people even if in dispair themselves, managed to still do well for others.



This is why the evolutions are wrong in there attacks of christians as well as attacks against other religious based humans.



Can any of you evolutionists explain what electricity is and what all it can do , its relevence to life?


Or would you rather explain how it has effected us in a evolutionary approach wheather it be the indians dancing for rain and thunder to current evolution of how man has created the ability to use it as a tool.


There are quite a few holes in your argument there, but since I'm getting ready to head to Cinci, maybe someone else will come in and take care of it. I dare you to make less sense.

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Guest 614Streets

My point is life has never been proven to be created without life. So evolutions begins where , the big bang theory? Yeah right......... ANY SMART PERSON WOULD DENY THIS IDEA AS AN ORIGIN. Perhaps you evolutionists state of belife is too dervived from evolution of a creation of your own life itself. There must be a begining right? No. Your own life was dervived from life. All religious and evolutionist cannot state a begining or an end.


To have faith and belive in someone who was no different than you or I is the key to christianity.

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The definition for insanity, according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, is "something utterly foolish or unreasonable". And the definition of faith is a "firm belief in something for which there is no proof".


no proof? so one day a random guy decided to sit down and write a book that would follow along with what has happend on earth thousands of years later? Thats enough proof for me.

1 guy did not right a boook lots of people worked on it.


Also, many books that orginaly existed where ommited by the catholic church if tehy did not line up with what they wanted to believe.


If you look at the mormon guy he wrote a book for no reason.

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I fixed that for you. That was the crusades.


BTW... telling people about Christ is not pressing anything on you. No one can force you to convert, we can only tell you about Christ, the rest is up to you. Why should we not be able to do that anyhow, non-Christians try to force their beliefs on my children and I daily. In school, TV, radio, magazines, in the stores etc.



School and science are not beliefs Tom Cruise.

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School and science are not beliefs Tom Cruise.

Theory is presented in schools as fact. Children are given test on these theories. Therefore if a child has a different opinion they get the question wrong.


The Homo's have infiltrated the schools and we have book in the schools that have two dads, two moms living together, They tell our children it is right to have these deviant behaviors. My cousins children in Hawaii are forced to yearly attend Gay Lesbian Bi-sexual and trans gender events at their schools. They are not allowed to opt out of the programs. So why are the GLBT crowd not forced to attend Evangelical classes at the school?

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Just for a moment remember 99.9% of all species on this planet have died, we are next. Sorry God has nothing to do with (our) fate, be it global warming, a gama ray burst (our solar system is full of netron stars) It is silly to think that anything on this planet is permenent. If we don't do our selfs in, the universe will. Your old collector car and fast EVO will also not out live us. So to believe in a "Christain" God is just silly Darwin was right evolution is and always will be what is going on with living creatures.

Darwin never denied if a God existed... In fact, he began as a very religious person and ended in his life as just an agnostic, saying that he wasn't sure if one existed.

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1 guy did not right a boook lots of people worked on it.


Also, many books that orginaly existed where ommited by the catholic church if tehy did not line up with what they wanted to believe.


If you look at the mormon guy he wrote a book for no reason.



The Catholic church only sought to oppress the bible and that still goes on today. Those of you that have a Rheims-Douay bible sitting on a shelf should get it out and read the preface of it. The preface will astonish you.



From Caththruth.com


I am not sure how much more wrong this quote can be.

As Catholics were responsible for writing the New Testament (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit), the Catholic Church doesn't "interpret" the Bible. We explain it. Protestants can only "interpret", because they are not the author (guided by the Holy Spirit), and therefore, can only guess at the possible meaning of a chapter, passage or phrase, just as anyone can only guess at any author's intentions in any other book. As the author, the Catholic Church is the only proper authority to consult in matters pertaining to the Bible.
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Darwin never denied if a God existed... In fact, he began as a very religious person and ended in his life as just an agnostic, saying that he wasn't sure if one existed.


In a time where you would be completely discredited if you spoke out against a church.

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Theory is presented in schools as fact. Children are given test on these theories. Therefore if a child has a different opinion they get the question wrong.


The Homo's have infiltrated the schools and we have book in the schools that have two dads, two moms living together, They tell our children it is right to have these deviant behaviors. My cousins children in Hawaii are forced to yearly attend Gay Lesbian Bi-sexual and trans gender events at their schools. They are not allowed to opt out of the programs. So why are the GLBT crowd not forced to attend Evangelical classes at the school?



Pleade do explain how they are forced. I will tell you what, a SCIENTIFC THEORY is Exactly thought a theory based off of facts and processes. Faith is that faith.


You can't lump them to go together, Your smart enough to google all the reasons of why they are diffrent, I'm going back to sleep if you've not looked them up on your own I will post them tonight.


But its not fair to do that, Why can't Muslims have there shit taught too? Or anyone else? They are not scientifc theorys they are all faith based beliefs. Can you show me a route with science that contrives creatonisms with out using any sort of mystisms. The theorys that are proposed can even be een shown active with a basis..........



Faith has no place in schools.

You want to pray on your own I got no problem with that, But I think you and me are proof enough that 2 diffrent people of the same religion can be on diffrent area of beliefs. Just like some poeple think the world is 6000 years old when science proves to us this is not true.



When the last time you looked at a star?

Magic Light?

Because I know the speed of light tells me that star is millions of years old.

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Pleade do explain how they are forced. I will tell you what, a SCIENTIFC THEORY is Exactly thought a theory based off of facts and processes. Faith is that faith.


They are forced in the way that it is part of the curriculum. they don't attend they get bad grade for that section. Fairly simple...


What you fail to understand is the bible is supported scientifically with sound science, unlike the the THEORYof Evolution, The Big bang THEORY etc. Remember Scientist are the ones that thought the earth was flat when the bible told us it was round. the Scientist also thought the universe revolved around the earth when the bible told the the sun was the center.



You can't lump them to go together, Your smart enough to google all the reasons of why they are diffrent, I'm going back to sleep if you've not looked them up on your own I will post them tonight.


But its not fair to do that, Why can't Muslims have there shit taught too? Or anyone else? They are not scientifc theorys they are all faith based beliefs. Can you show me a route with science that contrives creatonisms with out using any sort of mystisms. The theorys that are proposed can even be een shown active with a basis..........



Faith has no place in schools.

You want to pray on your own I got no problem with that, But I think you and me are proof enough that 2 different people of the same religion can be on different area of beliefs. Just like some people think the world is 6000 years old when science proves to us this is not true.




Sure I can show you but you have been programed by the "screwol's" to believe otherwise and you will not accept it. You will just go into the typical name calling, and bashing that goes along with evolutionist.

Check out the video named 50 facts v. evolution part A and B. Here This may help you understand some of the faulty and sometime ridiculous "science that is fed into our children's "noodles" as fact

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There are 1000's of people in mental institutions today that claim, infact to be Jesus Christ. They claim to be the next coming, and to have extraordinary powers.

Yet, we keep them locked up. I'm fairly certain there were crazy people 1000's of years ago. We were just more gullable then.



(flame suit on)

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There are 1000's of people in mental institutions today that claim, infact to be Jesus Christ. They claim to be the next coming, and to have extraordinary powers.

Yet, we keep them locked up. I'm fairly certain there were crazy people 1000's of years ago. We were just more gullable then.



(flame suit on)

Well .... If they were the second coming I don't think that they could build an institution to hold them if God wants them out. You are gullible too, just in the reverse. You and many others here have a religion, the head of the church is Satan and the main doctrine is evolution. The Lie of evolution is nothing more than Satans attempt to fool you.

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They've proven evolution with lifeorms that can be put through many generations in a short amount of time. I won't go into explaining this process since if you're here to opinionize, you should know both sides of the argument and should be able to understand the validity of the science I speak of.

To just come out and just tell me 'you're not correct' is ignorant and bullheaded.

You are talking about micro-adaptation, not macro-adaptation. when is the last time you have seen one kind, give birth, hatch etc, to another kind. For example.... dogs will never form into cats, goats will not give birth to a horse.

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1 guy did not right a boook lots of people worked on it.


Also, many books that orginaly existed where ommited by the catholic church if tehy did not line up with what they wanted to believe.


If you look at the mormon guy he wrote a book for no reason.



Thank you, you just stated that christianity is real. It wasnt one man it was many.


What i was getting at is that if it wasnt real, then some guy decided to sit down and write a book that is factual with the past and present.

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This is true period. You can't argue facts well you can as you still believe the arth is 6k old.


Carbon dating is so off, it has been proven. The earth isnt 6k years old maybe 15k at the most.


There are 5 more events to happen in the bible. Events that are factual and are proven to happen. Now this could be 5 days this could be 50 years idk. How can you say something is totally wrong when there is so much evidence. Im not saying that evolution is wrong, science is really interesting to me. Living things do have to evolve in order to keep from going extinct. But man kind evolving from pond scum...PLEASE!



IF we were born from evolution, wouldnt we have kept evolving? My point exaclty things continue evolving and finding new ways to stay alive. We use medicine to stay alive instead of body function.

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Thank you, you just stated that christianity is real. It wasnt one man it was many.


What i was getting at is that if it wasnt real, then some guy decided to sit down and write a book that is factual with the past and present.

I am under no doubt its real, I just am not like many other out there that feal that the bible has to be correct to a T because If Ia ccept that then I must accept many mathmatical things to be so wrong its not funny.


If we used bible math we would all be dead right now from nuclear blunders.

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