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Faith is a Mental Disease


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Because as a child, youre impressionalbe, and forcing religion is easy. It becomes part of ones routine, just like brushing your teeth when you wake up, washing your hands after using the bathroom, locking the door when you leave, and looking both ways before crossing the street. If you want to teach a child how to survive and be intelligent for the first 12-15yrs, beautiful, if you want to teach a child that rock music is evil, the best TV personality is Benny Henn, youll go to hell if you have sex before youre married, and Sunday mornings are reserved for church and ONLY church, then you are walking a path no differnt than Hitler... except youre not teaching them ethnic supremecy, but religious superiority. Ill never force my kids to go to church, but if they truely want to go, i wouldnt have the least bit problem with it.


Why not let your children decide everything for themselves. Since we are Satans children by defualt (until salvation), and have free will a child will almost never want to go to church on their own. many children will also not want to goto school, but we as parent make them go. They learn the three "R's" at school and it is up to the parent to show them God.


No one said you ever had to go to church to have a relationship with God. There are many churches you are better off staying home than going to them.


Teaching your child about god is not a bad thing like you make it out to be, the consequences of not are severe and the reward are great. Remember, since you are a man, you will give an account of your family to god upon judgement.

Bottom line is, i dont have a problem with religion... some people NEED it, to feel secure about thier life and the world they live in. I personaly dont.


I think the "systems" of religion are generally bad. Most of the are made up by man. Like sacraments, completely made up by man. This is mans way of making him self feel closer to God by making up rituals.

That is why I am critical of some of the denominations, they just make stuff up and tell people it is Gods way.


I get more upset when the McDonalds dow the street isnt taking credit cards than i do if the Pope has a heart attack, especially when he was a former Nazi. Thats commical. Religion itself is not the problem, the manner that which people introduce it to children is. End of the day, its a brain wash, no question.


Speaking of McDonalds... hash browns and burritos sound titts right now... im off!



I would hope you would be more upset about McDonalds. If more people knew the history of the Catholic Church they would leave the "Great Whore". (I am going to get flamed for that) For those that don't know what I am referring to the book of Revelation refers to the Catholic Church as the Great Whore of Babylon . Read revelation 17-18

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Uh, I'm not satan's child, but thanks?

How do you know?


You are not a child of God until salvation, so therefore you default to Satan.Why do you think that sin nature is inherent even in the small children. No one teaches a child to lie they do it on there own, from the sin nature. Thank you Eve.

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This is in regard to your last couple posts, Rick.


What kind of parent would you be if the first time your kids screwed up you threw them out into the streets? Not only that, but denied/punished all their children afterward?

Ring a bell? Adam and Eve much? The fact that you even stated we are the devil's children by default? Free will is wrong? Free will is evil? WTF? Are you listening to yourself? :confused: Do you not see what's wrong with this picture? You don't need religion or a hypocritical god to teach your kid good values and proper behaviour.


What kind of god convinces a man to take the life of his own son just to prove a point? What kind of god looks down upon free will? I want nothing to do with this god. Will I goto hell for this? No. Because I have free will and an open mind. Because god had been used as a means to control the people. And if this god truly exist and is a good god, then he would know if someone was truly a good person but pushed away by the human element and corruption of his word. And if that's not the way this god sees it, then again, I don't want him. I put myself into everything I do fully. I took it upon myself to goto church and learn about it when i was younger. I received no push from my very non religous family.


If there exist this god you speak of, he no longer watches over us. It say so in the Bible. We're given free will and left to our own devices. That doesn't mean he's going to help your favorite sports team win or finally win you that emmy or even help a family member live. He's left us to make our own way and leaves judgement until the end times. So, even if you do believe in god, this is what you're left with. Pray all you want. Stop reading the bible and viewing the world with the blind eye of faith. The stories don't match, the hypocrisy and bigotry is overhwhelming and the new testament is a big load of new age crap written to help bring religion into a more modern light and to soften god's image. The fact you point out so many people from so many different times have authored the bible only helps to discount it as much as credit it. The more people involved, the more chance for mistakes, misinterpretations, manipulations, and general taint and malevolence. And why wouldn't the stories all seem to mold together so well? It's an excellent scam. lol You don't fix what's not broke. I'm not saying the belief in something for what it should be is wrong, but what it's used for... now that's a different story.


Also, Mary was a slut and god should take her ass on Maury. (This last statement may or may not be true. Don't tell the Catholics. ;) )

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I notice some of you seem to be getting upset. That's pointless. You see, all of us have attacked or pointed out holes in each others arguments. Why? Becuase we all have holes in our arguments! None of us knows the whole truth. We're not privy to all the information that's out there in the universe to really even make an educated guess. Remember, we all have different opinions and interpret things differently. We all live in our little universes, so to speak, and can never truly know another man's thoughts or understand all the reasons why this 'man' believes or does the things he does. Agree to disagree, respect each other, and remember this is an open forum to discuss and debate matters of opinion and difference, not necessarily to change someone's mind or beat them into submission.
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This is in regard to your last couple posts, Rick.


What kind of parent would you be if the first time your kids screwed up you threw them out into the streets? Not only that, but denied/punished all their children afterward?

Ring a bell? Adam and Eve much? The fact that you even stated we are the devil's children by default? Free will is wrong? Free will is evil? WTF? Are you listening to yourself? :confused: Do you not see what's wrong with this picture? You don't need religion or a hypocritical god to teach your kid good values and proper behaviour.


What kind of god convinces a man to take the life of his own son just to prove a point? What kind of god looks down upon free will? I want nothing to do with this god. Will I goto hell for this? No. Because I have free will and an open mind. Because god had been used as a means to control the people. And if this god truly exist and is a good god, then he would know if someone was truly a good person but pushed away by the human element and corruption of his word. And if that's not the way this god sees it, then again, I don't want him. I put myself into everything I do fully. I took it upon myself to goto church and learn about it when i was younger. I received no push from my very non religous family.


If there exist this god you speak of, he no longer watches over us. It say so in the Bible. We're given free will and left to our own devices. That doesn't mean he's going to help your favorite sports team win or finally win you that emmy or even help a family member live. He's left us to make our own way and leaves judgement until the end times. So, even if you do believe in god, this is what you're left with. Pray all you want. Stop reading the bible and viewing the world with the blind eye of faith. The stories don't match, the hypocrisy and bigotry is overhwhelming and the new testament is a big load of new age crap written to help bring religion into a more modern light and to soften god's image. The fact you point out so many people from so many different times have authored the bible only helps to discount it as much as credit it. The more people involved, the more chance for mistakes, misinterpretations, manipulations, and general taint and malevolence. And why wouldn't the stories all seem to mold together so well? It's an excellent scam. lol You don't fix what's not broke. I'm not saying the belief in something for what it should be is wrong, but what it's used for... now that's a different story.


Also, Mary was a slut and god should take her ass on Maury. (This last statement may or may not be true. Don't tell the Catholics. ;) )



I hate religion. I think religion is of satan and the root of all evil. The reason I say this is faith having a belief in something or follinwg the word. Relgision is having another HUMAN tell you how to believe.




I said the same thing. God I still refer to as existant even though my view has changed. Be it the Jesus "GOD" or the guy who has the most bad ass game of sim city ever god. He does inter intervien atleast per how the bible says it happens. If that was the case and he saved some and not others why the fuck would he not fucking save everyone he's god right he can do anything right ? Then WHY. Don't give me some shit as its in his master plan as you can't see this plan so you know its no more of a master plan then i know what move christians going to do next in SC]I[.

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This is in regard to your last couple posts, Rick.


What kind of parent would you be if the first time your kids screwed up you threw them out into the streets? Not only that, but denied/punished all their children afterward?

Ring a bell? Adam and Eve much? The fact that you even stated we are the devil's children by default? Free will is wrong? Free will is evil? WTF? Are you listening to yourself? :confused: Do you not see what's wrong with this picture? You don't need religion or a hypocritical god to teach your kid good values and proper behaviour.



What kind of a parent would send his son to die for your sins? A parent that loves you maore than you love yourself. Jesus is the son of God that was sent here to die at Calvary for the redemption of sin.


We were created in the image of God and were given free will. Eve was deceived by the devil and sin entered in to the World. Therefore since humans chose sin the Chose Satan as master by default until the receive Christ. I don't expect that to be a real popular view among many people. Now here is a question... dose God hear your prayers if you are unsaved? The biblical answer is No. Just as you as a parent may hear another child yell , but you don't hear them like you would if they were your child.


Don't you see that good values and moral are based from the bible?



What kind of god convinces a man to take the life of his own son just to prove a point? What kind of god looks down upon free will? I want nothing to do with this god. Will I goto hell for this? No. Because I have free will and an open mind. Because god had been used as a means to control the people. And if this god truly exist and is a good god, then he would know if someone was truly a good person but pushed away by the human element and corruption of his word. And if that's not the way this god sees it, then again, I don't want him. I put myself into everything I do fully. I took it upon myself to goto church and learn about it when i was younger. I received no push from my very non religous family.


Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. That does not mean that God is bad, you got the human element. Satan will do his work in the church, it is an easy place to make people doubt god. All Satan has to do is make you doubt and it can kill your relationship. Look at Eve, all Satan did to her is introduce doubt.


As far as your story about the man that was told to sacrifice his child, God was testing his faith and stopped him before the sacrifice.




If there exist this god you speak of, he no longer watches over us. It say so in the Bible. We're given free will and left to our own devices. That doesn't mean he's going to help your favorite sports team win or finally win you that emmy or even help a family member live. He's left us to make our own way and leaves judgement until the end times. So, even if you do believe in god, this is what you're left with. Pray all you want. Stop reading the bible and viewing the world with the blind eye of faith. The stories don't match, the hypocrisy and bigotry is overhwhelming and the new testament is a big load of new age crap written to help bring religion into a more modern light and to soften god's image. The fact you point out so many people from so many different times have authored the bible only helps to discount it as much as credit it. The more people involved, the more chance for mistakes, misinterpretations, manipulations, and general taint and malevolence. And why wouldn't the stories all seem to mold together so well? It's an excellent scam. lol You don't fix what's not broke. I'm not saying the belief in something for what it should be is wrong, but what it's used for... now that's a different story.



God is omnipresent so he still sees everthing.



I have a challenge for you.... I want you to pick a topic and you and I can write one chapter each of a story. I want to do this with no communication other than the subject. How well do you think it will match up?

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I hate religion. I think religion is of satan and the root of all evil. The reason I say this is faith having a belief in something or follinwg the word. Relgision is having another HUMAN tell you how to believe.


You are right about religion... that I why I go back to the word of God and not what a Preist/Pastor etc says. If what they say does not line up with the bible they are not doing Gods work.

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How do you know?


You are not a child of God until salvation, so therefore you default to Satan.Why do you think that sin nature is inherent even in the small children. No one teaches a child to lie they do it on there own, from the sin nature. Thank you Eve.



Uh, or they lie because they haven't learned the consequences of lying/havent developed a conscience yet?



But you're right, it's probably attributed to magic and fairies, though.

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I depends on what your standard of proof is. If you are looking for a clinically controlled double blind study for religion, you wont find it. But just open your window and look outside, the birds, the grass , the trees the hills ect. proof of God that is good enough for me.

100% agreed. Not to mentioned noticed a shit ton of atheists running round here. Get some Jesus bitches!

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Uh, or they lie because they haven't learned the consequences of lying/havent developed a conscience yet?



But you're right, it's probably attributed to magic and fairies, though.

It is obvious you are still Satans child just by you screen name :(

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Why not let your children decide everything for themselves.


Because human beings have only a few inate behaviors. Crying at birth forces breathing, what to do when a tig o bittie is thrown infront of thier face, and to open thier eyes... thats about it. They cant control anything else and have to be taught, including right and wrong, how asses a situation, how to make the RIGHT decision, how to eat solid food, how to shit in a toilet, how to balance and walk, and before that, crawl. Children have to be taught how to move around and use thier bodies to thier advantage first, before the brain is even capable of "thought".


Teaching your child about god is not a bad thing like you make it out to be, the consequences of not are severe and the reward are great. Remember, since you are a man, you will give an account of your family to god upon judgement.


No i wont... two reasons: A, im an athiest, and being so automatically makes me a sinner, and hell bound. B, though ive done a lot of very good things in my life, ive also done some pretty terrible things, and im pretty sure ill bypass any pitstops and go strait to hell... ass-u-ming there is one... but there isnt... so im not worried.


The only person who can judge me that will make a difference is my father. In my world, he is God. The only person i will ever fear my eniter life, the only person that i will never cross, and the only person who to me, is always right. And i dont have to praise him for him to know it. I try hard, and do my best at everything I do to make him proud... to show him that i payed attention and he taught me well. After that, im my own man, in controll of my own life, and create or destroy my future at my own free will.



Read revelation 17-18


I actully read the all of Revelations a couple years ago, just to read the other side of the argument and be familiar with it... you know what i discoverd? Its so rittled with metaphorical crap that it can mean anyhting you want! Out of the whole book you know what i rememeber? Seals, horses, and a lake of fire. Its intentional for people to only remember the things that they can easily imagine so that anyone can just fill in the blanks with any bullshit they want and it be a complete story about gods wrath that makes perfect sence. The problem is, by the time they actully get to Revelations in the way back of the Bible, theyre already so brain washed from the first 6 gazillion pages of prehistorc garbage that theyll believe just about anything at that point.


I appologize if this offends anyone, but serisously, I read Revelations with an open mind... and its no better than the Lord of the Rings. Ever notice how similar they are? Horseman that hunt you down, evil bastards... lake of fire, also known as a Volcano basin... ancient seals, in LOR found on the band of a ring... thats how made up it sounds to anyone who doenst initialy believe in any of it... its just a scary story that noone can understand or take seriously. Its like... the confusion level of wathcin Pulp Fiction for the first time, the imagination level of the Never Ending Story, and the reality level of Bill and Teds Bogus Journey, all rolled up into about 40 pages of tiny print that makes you want to scratch your eyballs out.

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