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Halo 3 tonight


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going to go add a bunch of names here shortly


xxexecuti0nerxx = V8 Beast

George420 = SvtKid

nessiehaze = mikehaze


Zero Bar = MrAutoX

Shields1181 = Gearslammingstang

VersionSelect = s15driftking

wrath1983 = RX7dood

IamSparta53 = sciongirl

Pikey88 = The Pikey

FourPointSix = DropTop

phoenix burns = Miller

DthSndwch = DeathSandwich

williser93 = Mr. Wright


Silverev8owner = Mu chris

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So Im playing tonight with Copperhead, and Droptop. Suddenly my xbox completely freezes. It happened like 4 times tonight so I just try to power it off and back on again. When I power it on the game says it cant read my disk. When I pulled it out this is what I saw...




Now I have my own Halo of death to deal with. The circle you see is a deep scratch in my disk. Looks like I have some warranty exchanging to do!

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I just beat the game for the first time tonight... it was on Normal though... ill have to go back and beat it on Heroic and Legendary too. The only real hard part of the storyline i think was the caves, trying to find the little hologram girl, i forget her name.


Things i dont understand, and maybe its because i didnt play Halo and its been a LONG time since Halo 2...


- Why does the girl keep popping up saying weird shit all the time?

- What is the voice that you hear when the screen turns green?

- How can all the fighting be over? If its over, Master Cheif has no purpose to exsist anymore... meaning either they never get picked up from space, and he sleeps forever, or there is going to be another, and it will begin with him being picked up from the tore to shit frigate. Hopefully its not "years even" like the little hologram girl says...

- Who are the Elites? i heard about them all the time but i dont know who they are.

- Is Johnson important in a previous game? Seems like they made his character pretty center piece during the Arch shut down.

- Who was the guy getting the shit kicked out of him by the profit and his goons?

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I just beat the game for the first time tonight... it was on Normal though... ill have to go back and beat it on Heroic and Legendary too. The only real hard part of the storyline i think was the caves, trying to find the little hologram girl, i forget her name.


Things i dont understand, and maybe its because i didnt play Halo and its been a LONG time since Halo 2...


- Why does the girl keep popping up saying weird shit all the time?

- What is the voice that you hear when the screen turns green?

- How can all the fighting be over? If its over, Master Cheif has no purpose to exsist anymore... meaning either they never get picked up from space, and he sleeps forever, or there is going to be another, and it will begin with him being picked up from the tore to shit frigate. Hopefully its not "years even" like the little hologram girl says...

- Who are the Elites? i heard about them all the time but i dont know who they are.

- Is Johnson important in a previous game? Seems like they made his character pretty center piece during the Arch shut down.

- Who was the guy getting the shit kicked out of him by the profit and his goons?


1: Dramatic effect I think, as if Chief can hear her though she's trapped by the gravemind.

2:Gravemind, the "leader" and intelligence behind the flood.

3:Your guess is as good as mine, it's all speculation.

4:The elites are the guys you fought against in Halo 1&2, the guardians of the Prophets, they were demoted after you killed the prophet in Halo 2 and then cast out by the Brutes, now their on our side.

5:Johnson dies in Halo 1 and shouldn't be around, it still has yet to be explained.

6:You mean Johnson?? The one they force to activate the Halo's maybe??

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just rented it and have it until wednesday, then will probably buy it... if anyone sees Smokin5s online, hit me up... Halo 3 is freaking sweet!.... the capture the skull thing my buddies and I were cracking up while playing that.
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I hate to thread dig but I have added everyone onto my friends list. look for phoenix something or other and lets play.



this day off is aboot to get hazey


I was wondering who the friend request was from, ill accept it next time I'm on.

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