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If it was 2 years ago i would have taken you up on it.


395lb bench 163lbs 17 years old


now it would be like 280lbs :doh: :thumbdown :nono::cry:




Don't feel bad about the now numbers...I had surgery in my left shoulder 2 1/2 years ago and then had a nasty case of burcitus in my right shoulder this year from March until August...I can barely bench my own body weight now!



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Don't feel bad about the now numbers...I had surgery in my left shoulder 2 1/2 years ago and then had a nasty case of burcitus in my right shoulder this year from March until August...I can barely bench my own body weight now!




Thank you,


That sucks, you have had a busy year. Once you have a shoulder injury its never the same. Hope all heals well, dont rush back to soon.

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Thanks jesse....I didnt put it on here for compliments for people who are probabaly thinking that . Just for what it was at that time.



Thanks again andy and jesse!




So come on you were all talk in the other forum. DK wants to get this set up, i would like to see what happends.

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I can hang a wet beach towel from my erection for quite some time.


But how many times can you lift it? ;)


Gotta admit, I ain't tried that one in yearssss. truly lol


I understand the shoulder injury. Can't seem to get my right shoulder to heal up. Keep reinjurying it. Now, some max squats. That's something else.

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Can I have someone pinch hit for me?


I always like bragging about how strong my friend is just because it is so impressive


43 reps of 225

565 1 rep max


He is thinking about doing Strongman comps

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Can I have someone pinch hit for me?


I always like bragging about how strong my friend is just because it is so impressive


43 reps of 225

565 1 rep max


He is thinking about doing Strongman comps


Impressive. Hopefully no bench shirt right? Not a fan of those shirts.

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If you guys want to come up-I can set this up for the 20th. Who would be interested?




Bottle Fed-







We can do Overall Max, and bodyweight rep. I think I have the formula for deciding the victor here somewhere......



I will body weight reps, I havent lifted in about 4 months so I prolly wont be all the great but I am open to any competition...

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Impressive. Hopefully no bench shirt right? Not a fan of those shirts.


I had a friend school me on these shirts not too long ago. He's a giant mofo (I'm talking about Big Herm for Mike and those who know him) 5'10, 315lbs with a raw max of 580. With an Inzer shirt, he's put up over 800 pounds. That shit's just crazy. When I was in high school, I used to bench 335 at a body weight of about 270... I know, not impressive. But the last time I actually tried (a few months ago) I failed to lift 285; at a body weight of 319. Thank you, McDonald's, and being a lazy fat ass. :)


I'm buying a shirt. Just to protect my pecs, of course. And my pride. LOL

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I had a friend school me on these shirts not too long ago. He's a giant mofo (I'm talking about Big Herm for Mike and those who know him) 5'10, 315lbs with a raw max of 580. With an Inzer shirt, he's put up over 800 pounds. That shit's just crazy. When I was in high school, I used to bench 335 at a body weight of about 270... I know, not impressive. But the last time I actually tried (a few months ago) I failed to lift 285; at a body weight of 319. Thank you, McDonald's, and being a lazy fat ass. :)


I'm buying a shirt. Just to protect my pecs, of course. And my pride. LOL



Hal can school you on this more than i can. I have a shirt but i didnt like it. But the shirt really dosent save your pecs as much as it does your shoulders. Plus at 280max bench your going to need a little bit more work before you go into a shirt.


Shirts are alot of work.

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Over 800 in a competition and I probably know the guy. You said Mike, is this Mike Wolfe?


If anyone wants info on shirt usage, feel free to PM me. I've done a lot, a lot of coaching in shirts. If you're buying a shirt for protection, don't. If you use the shirt wrong you'll cause more damage than benching raw.

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