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to all yankees fans


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steinbrenner is far more wealthy than shapiro will ever be.



can't compare the two. Shapiro is a great GM and has built a great team by scouting and building young players. As mentioned before it's tough to do and can easily be more expensive in the long run when those players leave to go elsewhere and make more money. He should be commended for that.


Steinbrenner is a business man and has taken the Yankess from the roughly $10 Mil he bought them for (with other investors that I belive he has bought out), and turned them into a $1.2 Billion franchise. He was a business man first and foremost and is good at making money on investments, which is what he's done with the Yankees. The fact that hey pays his employees more and expects the best from them is just another business tactic. The people who can't do it hate it, but that because they can't. It's economies of scale. Worked pretty well for them in the late 90s, and I'm sure that they'll get back there. It's not like they're bad right now, just not the best.

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Enjoy it while you could. its over now. You think torre will com back after what stienbitch said to the media, even if he didn't mean it.

A-rod, gone.

Jorge Posada, gone.

a couple other FA's i can't think of right now.

and your pitching BLOWS.



the baseball playoffs is about who wants it the most not the size of your payroll.

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