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Half-Life: Orange Box

Rally Pat

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Portal: Its a short game, but I saw that coming. However, I cant remember the last time I had so much fun playing a game. The spooky atmosphere provided by the Aperture Science psycho computer GLaD-OS, and the use of nothing but the Portal Device to solve some insane puzzles makes for an amazing experience. Also, Jonathon Colton wrote a song for the end credits sang by GLaD-OS herself called "Still Alive", which of all the reviews I have ready to day everyone enjoyed greatly. Its a hilarious song with many inside jokes from the game. I even put it on my iPod I loved it so much.


HL2 Episode 2: Picked up right where Episode 1 left off, but instead of the repetitiveness of Episode 1, they improved on absolutely everything everyone bitched about, and contains some of the most emotionally charged sequences in a Half Life game to date. You also find out the relationship between Aperture Science (Portal) and Black Mesa (Half Life) in Episode 2. They improved the AI of your Enemies and Allies alike, and also added a new enemy, called a "hunter", which is like a mini-strider. These little buggers of ruthless. If you find cover, they find a way to get around it. If you hide in a house, they will break down doors and windows to find you. Like Episode 1, the game ended with an insane cliffhanger that will definitely get me to play Episode 3.


Team Fortress 2: If you enjoyed the original Team Fortress for Quake, you will really enjoy Team Fortress 2. Unlike how Team Fortress Classic changed many of Team Fortress' dynamics, this game is much more faithful to the original, and provides hours of enjoyment. The rock-paper-scissors class system ensures that no class cant be stopped by another.

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I bought Episode 1, and then it wouldn't run on my computer, then I forgot about it. How does episode 1 tie in with HL1 and HL2?


Episode 1 begins with an alternate ending to HL2, where instead of the G-Man taking Gordon away and putting him back into stasis, he is prevented from taking Gordon away by the Vortigaunts, and then the story resumes.

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any new weapons or anything? I think it's retarded it took them a year to come out with episode 2, another shortass continuation for $20 more.. tf2 would be worth it though I guess


Its twice as long as episode 1 was. As for new weapons, you have to remember, since HL2 began, only about a day has passed in length. That means that there is no feasible way they could have come up with a new gun. There is 1 new weapon, but you have to use the gravity to use it, its not equipable. Its like a sticky bomb to kill striders. Takes them down in one hit.

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any new weapons or anything? I think it's retarded it took them a year to come out with episode 2, another shortass continuation for $20 more.. tf2 would be worth it though I guess



He of little faith.


I believeth in the church of Half Life.


HL 4 Life!



On a saide note, TF2 IS HILARIOUS AND FUN!!

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