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Calling out vaginas

El Karacho1647545492

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Thats right vaginas, you heard me. Its time you face the music and realized that dicks are just so much goddamn better. We don't menstrate, and we come with balls attached.



So what'll it be, vaginas. My dick can send you from 0 to pregnant in the bust of a nut. Accept the challenge?


























Boy howdy, I love drinking on mondays.

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Stop drinking and using the interwebz at the same time.


Oh I might as well drop this picture since I am here.





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i called you out because i was drunk and mildly sexist. my biotch of an ex girlfriend was flaunting her new boyfriend in my face, so i decided to get drunk and make a thread instead of getting angry and picking a fight with a guy 1/2 my size



edit: repressed anger ftw.

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lol you in boston? next time i go ther eill giv eyou the heads up and you can come to my uncles bar with me and drink for free....


just make sur eyour not italian.. or look italian... as..def all irish...well... italian isnt as bad as Brittish i guess....lol

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i called you out because i was drunk and mildly sexist. my biotch of an ex girlfriend was flaunting her new boyfriend in my face, so i decided to get drunk and make a thread instead of getting angry and picking a fight with a guy 1/2 my size



edit: repressed anger ftw.


just kill them both, and then beat lalani in a race and then dicks will be up 2-1

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lol you in boston? next time i go ther eill giv eyou the heads up and you can come to my uncles bar with me and drink for free....


just make sur eyour not italian.. or look italian... as..def all irish...well... italian isnt as bad as Brittish i guess....lol



So if i was British and looked irish i would be cool?

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Guest v8_What?
You talking racing challange? Did i hear that right? I wont back down! whats your pleasure???


I take ya up on that challenge if you really want it! I will let you choose your own poison.


Women.....I swear!(hope my ex-Marine wife don't read this or I am Dead meat!!) :woowoo:

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Guest hotrodmama024

I am not even going to agrue with you boys today on this. But the men that know obviously found there good women.


As of your challange chris... when you want to do it?

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