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The phone rings at FBI headquarters.


Guy-"I'm calling to report my neighbor. He is hiding marijuana inside his firewood."

FBI-"Thank you very much for the call sir," replied the dispatcher.


The next day, FBI agents sneak up on the neighbor's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept.

Using axes, they bust open every piece of wood, but find no marijuana. They yell at the neighbor and leave.

The phone rings at the neighbor's house.

Guy-"Hey, Bill, did the FBI come?"

Bill-"Sure Did!"

Guy-"Did they chop your firewood?!"


Guy-"Great, now it's your turn to call. I need my garden plowed!!"

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So a kid comes home from school early one day and sees his dad's car in the driveway. He thinks to himself "hmm my dad's supposed to be at work right now", so the kid goes into the house. He hears some noise coming from his parents bedroom so goes in to investigate. He sees his mom laid out on the bed and his dad is on top of her just going to town. The mom never sees the kid but the dad does, he turns to look at the kid and just winks and gives him a big thumbs up. The son walks away and says nothing. The next day the dad comes home from work a bit early again but his son is home... he hears some commotion coming from his sons bedroom. The father goes into the bedroom and sees his son has his grandma laid out on the bed just going to town. The father says "son what the hell are you doing????!!!" son replies "it aint so funny when it's your mom is it"
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