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Easy way to get email spam off my main account?


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Is there an easy way to get email spam off my main WOW account? I think they all started when I was looking for a loan earlier this year and this was the address I posted. Normally I use my Yahoo account for junk so I'm not sure how this happened.


I tried setting up a spam filter in Outlook and that doesn't/hasn't worked for shit. There's no email reply in the spam mail to get taken off the list.

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Don't ever use the email to get off their spam list that just lets them know its a valid address then they sell it to more losers.


Outlook filters don't work for crap that I have noticed. If WOW has a webmail interface I'd mark them as spam on there and see if that cuts down on them some.


I have yahoo and comcast and I rarely get spam delivered to my inbox. GMAIL I think has the best filter.

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