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xbox 360 transcoding thru media center


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I hope someone here can understand what I said below... :D


I've spent all day trying to get a transcoding program to play divx, and xvid on my 360. I've tried transcode 360 and a patched version of TVersity. Neither seem to work. I even installed windows xp media center edition, turned off the windows firewall and had nothing blocked. When I load Media Center on 360 it plays mp3s and wmv files just fine.


Has anyone got either transcoding program to work??


Also how do you add a directory in WMC on the 360 from a shared directory from a win2000 pro workstation? If I add it in the windows version it sees the share fine. I can't see it when I try to add in the 360.

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I used tversity and thought it was a pain in the ass. Thats just my personal opinion. Transcode 360 works like a charm for me for divx. If your going to be streaming you'll need tversity though. HD wmv files look mint through media center on my DLP.
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alll you need is tversity. I just set it up today because you mentioned on the phone eric. Works like a charm.


Would you want to explain to me in detail how you set it up? Also did you use the patch from xbox-scene.com or not? After I patched it would never start the service. The program loaded fine but couldn't even manually star the service in admin tools.

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